I've left Ikea! Woo hoo! And now I've just found out I've got a new job starting on the 11th of July. It's in the exciting up and coming world of INSURANCE!
Still, it's 200 more a month and I get to sit on my arse all day, and my mate Tim works there which is cool. Now i've got a few weeks of to see my mates and get my life on track. I still have no where to live from the 1st August which is getting worryingly closer.
I've left Ikea! Woo hoo! And now I've just found out I've got a new job starting on the 11th of July. It's in the exciting up and coming world of INSURANCE!
Still, it's 200 more a month and I get to sit on my arse all day, and my mate Tim works there which is cool. Now i've got a few weeks of to see my mates and get my life on track. I still have no where to live from the 1st August which is getting worryingly closer.
hope everything is cool with you and the girl and that her and her family are doing ok...
how was your weekend?