Things that are rocking my world:
The Killers - what an album. "Somebody Told Me" is a kick ass tune and a few others are steadily coming big time favourites.
Colin - Best flatmate in the world. A new hero in my life.
Cress - crazy and lovely in one gorgeous package.
Propaganda - week after week, it's the best night out in Bristol. Let the war on boring DJs continue!!
St Matts Bar - A home from home, so good I want to do another degree so I don't have to leave.
SG! - You guys are wicked. I love being part of it, hope it lives forever.
Endorphins - So I didn't have to take anything to feel like this!
The Killers - what an album. "Somebody Told Me" is a kick ass tune and a few others are steadily coming big time favourites.
Colin - Best flatmate in the world. A new hero in my life.
Cress - crazy and lovely in one gorgeous package.
Propaganda - week after week, it's the best night out in Bristol. Let the war on boring DJs continue!!
St Matts Bar - A home from home, so good I want to do another degree so I don't have to leave.
SG! - You guys are wicked. I love being part of it, hope it lives forever.
Endorphins - So I didn't have to take anything to feel like this!

i sorted it! so now i'll be on sg 24/7 and doing even less work 

it's by the waterfront and the watershed. in the square with the big silver ball thingy in (if that makes any sense)