We really need to stop meeting like this
It's the comment I wanted to to say all evening, but politeness forced me to remain silent. It's just I tend to see my extended family only at weddings, the last two with the same groom.
My extended family on the maternal side are the dramatic bunch. This is possibly down to it having the American heritage so the genetic mix contains a high amount of melodrama and self importance, but I can honestly say it would make great television of the lowest order. I'm not going to go into details as to provide entertainment from their misery would make me one of them, but it still astounds me that the dynamic of the relationships are so complex and yet they still maintain a sense of the family unit. It had the entertainment of E4 with the bonus of being live and having a late license bar.
I can't think of what else to say, I'm still in a daze. I'm just glad I'm a smoker so could escape outside with two plates from the buffet and talk scripts with my other cousin whose an English student. The ramifications of certain people's action will become clear in a few days when the dust settles.
I'm going to have a bacon sarnie, it's good to be back in Bristol
It's the comment I wanted to to say all evening, but politeness forced me to remain silent. It's just I tend to see my extended family only at weddings, the last two with the same groom.
My extended family on the maternal side are the dramatic bunch. This is possibly down to it having the American heritage so the genetic mix contains a high amount of melodrama and self importance, but I can honestly say it would make great television of the lowest order. I'm not going to go into details as to provide entertainment from their misery would make me one of them, but it still astounds me that the dynamic of the relationships are so complex and yet they still maintain a sense of the family unit. It had the entertainment of E4 with the bonus of being live and having a late license bar.
I can't think of what else to say, I'm still in a daze. I'm just glad I'm a smoker so could escape outside with two plates from the buffet and talk scripts with my other cousin whose an English student. The ramifications of certain people's action will become clear in a few days when the dust settles.
I'm going to have a bacon sarnie, it's good to be back in Bristol

and now you've made me want a bacom sandwich
How are you anyhoo?