Have you ever ended it with someone you really care about because you can't be there for them? Well this situation recently happened. The thing is I didn't expect her to act like a child. I knew she was immature but I thought at least we could remain friends. I still wanted to be there for her i just couldn't give her the relationship she...
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actually i have been in her spot in a similar situation. it's just unfortunate overall :-(
sometimes the friendship thing is hard for girls to accept as easily because 1-it was your decision, not hers
and 2-it's hard to start as one thing with the possibility of more then revert to just friends
hope it works out <3
sometimes the friendship thing is hard for girls to accept as easily because 1-it was your decision, not hers
and 2-it's hard to start as one thing with the possibility of more then revert to just friends
hope it works out <3
Hey, thanks for commenting on my new set 

Well folks,
I'm back. Chicago was awesome. The city was hectic, the drivers where nuts. The lake is disgusting. but the view from the hancock observatory was absolutely stunning. 95 floors up really puts everything into perspective. I did spend most of my time in the suburbs and I can't tell you how creepy it is to look around and not see a mountain anywhere....
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I'm back. Chicago was awesome. The city was hectic, the drivers where nuts. The lake is disgusting. but the view from the hancock observatory was absolutely stunning. 95 floors up really puts everything into perspective. I did spend most of my time in the suburbs and I can't tell you how creepy it is to look around and not see a mountain anywhere....
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So what do you guys think. My motorcycle was under a friends name and he stopped making payments, he kept the money I gave him but didn't pay it towards the bike, now they are wanting to repo it or I could take over payments. I like it but its kinda small. there's only about 1500 left to pay off. should I keep it? or...
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So did you make up your mind? what did you tell your friend??
Well, how much could you sell it for? Sometimes it's the best decision to pay it off and then sell it privately and then use that money as a down payment.. If the bike is under your name, the repo will damage your credit quite badly.
BtW, thanks for the add!
BtW, thanks for the add!
So there's a date! June 20th. Is the day I fly into chicago for a week. and If I find a job and place to live then there's a good chance I'll end up transporting all my stuff there for good. Maybe. there are still alot of variables. but as of right now thats the plan. anyone ever been to chicago? like around arlington heights?
So I'm going to Learn Tagalog.
I started reading some phrase books to get down the pronounciation,
but if any of you know the language and would like to help I'd apprecieate it alot!
I'm so excited too cause my boss speaks it and so do a good majority of our clients!
I started reading some phrase books to get down the pronounciation,
but if any of you know the language and would like to help I'd apprecieate it alot!
I'm so excited too cause my boss speaks it and so do a good majority of our clients!
Tagalog ???

So foe those of you who don't know I'm an insurance agent who works with a more established, and well older agent who has decided that for the last two weeks he's going to take a little break and go to the philipines. this is all well and good but then this morning he calls me from manila and tells me that he feels like...
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It will get better hun! I promise! even if i have to make it better myself!

hahahahah be nice!!!!
So my last post was pretty long ago, I just decided to fill everyone in on the recent events so if you please you can get to know a lil bit about your new friend. Recently I was in a pretty decent car accident, and the front end of my car basically disintegrated. The car's been in the shop for about a month and I...
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Happy B day darlin
did you have a fun birthday? hope so

Hey everyone,
I'm Back, I had a membership for years and things got stale I'm so glad to see that this website is booming! SG is the greatest idea ever. the girls are hot, they're sexy and best of all they're real!
I'm Back, I had a membership for years and things got stale I'm so glad to see that this website is booming! SG is the greatest idea ever. the girls are hot, they're sexy and best of all they're real!

MmMmMmMmmm your the hottest!!!!!!!!!

well, hello there