Have you ever ended it with someone you really care about because you can't be there for them? Well this situation recently happened. The thing is I didn't expect her to act like a child. I knew she was immature but I thought at least we could remain friends. I still wanted to be there for her i just couldn't give her the relationship she wanted. I've been going through my own issues and when I wasn't able to check in with her everyday because my uncle was in the hospital, She started ignoring me and actually waited for me to contact her before she even new what was going on. This wasn't at all the first time it had happened either. It is however the reason I realized no matter how much I cared about her I couldn't be there for her the way she needed me to be. I still can't belive its over. I'm sure its for the best though.
sometimes the friendship thing is hard for girls to accept as easily because 1-it was your decision, not hers
and 2-it's hard to start as one thing with the possibility of more then revert to just friends
hope it works out <3