it's damn late and i can't sleep ffs...
just got the new Lamb of God album today (my fav band) and its's a masterpiece...i just love those guys
and i'll be seeing them in my hometown on oct 27th
but this all seems circumstantial because i'm looking forward to saturday very much
....hmm i wonder why
pls read the my blog i wrote yesterday...
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it's damn late and i can't sleep ffs...
just got the new Lamb of God album today (my fav band) and its's a masterpiece...i just love those guys
and i'll be seeing them in my hometown on oct 27th
but this all seems circumstantial because i'm looking forward to saturday very much
....hmm i wonder why
pls read the my blog i wrote yesterday...
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Hihihihi mach mich net verlegen, duuuuuuuuu
Wahrscheinlich hab ich Samstag abend entweder ein blaues Auge oder einen schlimmen kater,so oder so musst du mich irgendwie ertragen hahahaha
Ich mache mir jetzt ne Spargelsuppe, danach muss ich zu Lulus Geburstag... bin total kaputt, na ja was soll's.
Sollen wir am Samstag abend Pizzataxi bestellen? Ich hab voll den ungesunden Pizzeria Hunger momentan oder soll ich uns was "Gesundes" mache? Salat oder so?
Wahrscheinlich hab ich Samstag abend entweder ein blaues Auge oder einen schlimmen kater,so oder so musst du mich irgendwie ertragen hahahaha
Ich mache mir jetzt ne Spargelsuppe, danach muss ich zu Lulus Geburstag... bin total kaputt, na ja was soll's.
Sollen wir am Samstag abend Pizzataxi bestellen? Ich hab voll den ungesunden Pizzeria Hunger momentan oder soll ich uns was "Gesundes" mache? Salat oder so?
Steffi in bewegten Bildern
... und die Verkuplung erreicht ihren Hhepunkt.
Ich habe Probleme mit meinem Entwurf , hab noch ne 2. Ditpille eingeschmissen und jetzt ist mir ganz "dizzy" und ich kann mich auf niiiiixxxxxx konzentrieren
... und die Verkuplung erreicht ihren Hhepunkt.
Ich habe Probleme mit meinem Entwurf , hab noch ne 2. Ditpille eingeschmissen und jetzt ist mir ganz "dizzy" und ich kann mich auf niiiiixxxxxx konzentrieren
great things always happen when you least expect them, right?
i wasn't expecting anything from my life at the moment...
the only thing which made me happy was playing, rehearsing and hanging out with my band
i even lost all interest in photography which is a big thing...
but it seems like the rollercoaster is going uphill again
this is because everything seems a bit...
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i wasn't expecting anything from my life at the moment...
the only thing which made me happy was playing, rehearsing and hanging out with my band
i even lost all interest in photography which is a big thing...
but it seems like the rollercoaster is going uphill again
this is because everything seems a bit...
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Dir gehren beide Hnde abgehackt... dann wird das nix mehr mit Gitarre spielen...
If there was a single day I could live... a single breath I could take
I'd trade all the others away.
The blood's on the wall, so you'd might as well just admit it
And bleach out the stains, commit to forgetting it.
You're better off empty and blank, than left with a single pathetic trace of this
Smother another failure, lay this to rest....
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I'd trade all the others away.
The blood's on the wall, so you'd might as well just admit it
And bleach out the stains, commit to forgetting it.
You're better off empty and blank, than left with a single pathetic trace of this
Smother another failure, lay this to rest....
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... wenn du magst, kannst du mir per message schreiben, wie es dir geht und was dich traurig6depressiv macht. Nur ein Angebot aber vll nimmst du es ja an?!
OH Mann ey, ich fhle mich beschissen Ich wrde dir gerne ne Sms schreiben,aber irgendwie trau ich mich dann doch net, weil du mich ja net kennst und das ja irgendwie voll komisch wre oder? *seufz*
If there was a single day I could live... a single breath I could take
I'd trade all the others away.
The blood's on the wall, so you'd might as well just admit it
And bleach out the stains, commit to forgetting it.
You're better off empty and blank, than left with a single pathetic trace of this
Smother another failure, lay this to rest....
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those are some amazing prints, you are fortunate to have such a talented aunt!
Daaaaaaaaaanke fr deine 2 Nachrichten, ich hab mich voll gefreut. Wirklich!!!!!!!!
ok been a bit lazy during the last days and wrote no updates
sorry 'bout that
not much happening anyways...i'm tired of work...but hey...who isn't?
CD pre-production is still going on...songs need to be worked on and changed, new songs have to be written and some others will be kicked...
actual recordings start at the end of september...
we got a show coming up on...
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sorry 'bout that
not much happening anyways...i'm tired of work...but hey...who isn't?
CD pre-production is still going on...songs need to be worked on and changed, new songs have to be written and some others will be kicked...
actual recordings start at the end of september...
we got a show coming up on...
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Haaaaaaaaaappy Birthday wishes sent to you by D.
Haaaaaaaaaappy Birthday wishes sent to you by D.
sunday - lazy day?
well at least today
friday we brought all our band equipment into the studio
we set everything up and checked the sound
after that we went to Dusseldorf's old town which is pretty famous for being packed with pubs
i think Thorsten (our other guitarist) came home about 4 in the morning drunk like hell
on saturday we recorded 13 songs...
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well at least today
friday we brought all our band equipment into the studio
we set everything up and checked the sound
after that we went to Dusseldorf's old town which is pretty famous for being packed with pubs
i think Thorsten (our other guitarist) came home about 4 in the morning drunk like hell
on saturday we recorded 13 songs...
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ah thanks sweetie!
hopefully I can show the photo's of the shoot tonight
and hmmm I just return to liking being single I gues hihi
hopefully I can show the photo's of the shoot tonight
and hmmm I just return to liking being single I gues hihi
Ja ich hab ihm eine Nachricht geschrieben,aber erst nachdem ich seine gelesen habe... parallel hat er mir morgens eine lange Entschuldigung geschrieben, dass er mich seinem Entzug opfern musste, dass ihm alles leid tut etc.
Ich hab ihm dann nur kurz geschrieben, Happy Birthday und viel Kraft fr deinen Entzug. Vll knnen wir eines Tages wieder Kumpel sein wie frher.
Ich denke so oder so hat es sich jetzt wirklich erledigt und ich kann mich wieder auf mein Leben konzentrieren.
Muss jetzt gleich zum Arzt gehen, bin mal wieder krank , danach hole ich mir viele gesunde Sachen zum Essen. Lecker Obst und Gemse. Mjammmy
Danke fr den Songtext...
Ich hab ihm dann nur kurz geschrieben, Happy Birthday und viel Kraft fr deinen Entzug. Vll knnen wir eines Tages wieder Kumpel sein wie frher.
Ich denke so oder so hat es sich jetzt wirklich erledigt und ich kann mich wieder auf mein Leben konzentrieren.
Muss jetzt gleich zum Arzt gehen, bin mal wieder krank , danach hole ich mir viele gesunde Sachen zum Essen. Lecker Obst und Gemse. Mjammmy
Danke fr den Songtext...
ok...it's late...
i just came back from the last rehersals before the pre-production and everything seems fine...
i got the basement stuffed with equipment now lol
speakers, guitars, amps drum stuff...
pre-production here we come
my backwards motion has progressed into a forward motion again...i guess...thanks to the push of a certain cute and sweet and beautiful dutch lady LOL thanks for that
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i just came back from the last rehersals before the pre-production and everything seems fine...
i got the basement stuffed with equipment now lol
speakers, guitars, amps drum stuff...
pre-production here we come
my backwards motion has progressed into a forward motion again...i guess...thanks to the push of a certain cute and sweet and beautiful dutch lady LOL thanks for that
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how come life feels like it's progressing backwards sometimes?
i exteremely feel that way but i can't tell why
so...sweet week so far
last weekend was kinda fun...the band helped our singer move into his new flat
i'm just wondering why i'm always the one who has to carry the washing machine
anyways...it was pretty hot that day and i was so wet i...
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how come life feels like it's progressing backwards sometimes?
i exteremely feel that way but i can't tell why
so...sweet week so far
last weekend was kinda fun...the band helped our singer move into his new flat
i'm just wondering why i'm always the one who has to carry the washing machine
anyways...it was pretty hot that day and i was so wet i...
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nee nicht september ... im moment ist gerade halloween in engster planung
aber wir wollen ja auch noch am 12.8. ein mini-treffen in kln machen.
die allcatsaregrey plant das federfhrend...
wenn du da mit dabei sein mchtest bist du auch hier gerne eingeladen.
wird wohl auch auf ne kleine runde im underground hinauslaufen ...
dieses WE bin ich auf ner geburtstagsparty daher keine LMH fr mich.
Aber ist eh meist zu Crossover fr mich...
aber wir wollen ja auch noch am 12.8. ein mini-treffen in kln machen.
die allcatsaregrey plant das federfhrend...
wenn du da mit dabei sein mchtest bist du auch hier gerne eingeladen.
wird wohl auch auf ne kleine runde im underground hinauslaufen ...
dieses WE bin ich auf ner geburtstagsparty daher keine LMH fr mich.
Aber ist eh meist zu Crossover fr mich...
style adviser you say? well then give me some advise!! I'm terrible at that stuff, I really am lol
have you gotten back on a forward track yet? *pushing you forward to help*
a bit nervous about the shootings, hope I don't fuck em up
have you gotten back on a forward track yet? *pushing you forward to help*
a bit nervous about the shootings, hope I don't fuck em up
well what most of us (here in this part of europe ) may experience is the hot and sweet weather
it has it advantages like drinking 5 litres of water each day or like being outside and just enjoying it
the other side is sitting in an office and complaining about the hot weather when one can't enjoy it
well...i wanted to go to...
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well what most of us (here in this part of europe ) may experience is the hot and sweet weather
it has it advantages like drinking 5 litres of water each day or like being outside and just enjoying it
the other side is sitting in an office and complaining about the hot weather when one can't enjoy it
well...i wanted to go to...
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sad you weren't able to go to renesse!
and good luck with the pre-production sweetie...
charlie send you some love
and good luck with the pre-production sweetie...
charlie send you some love
Es sei dir aber verziehen, D.
Mal schauen was sich so ergibt.
Lass uns def. am WE treffen, Tag kann ich noch net sagen, weil ich einen Abend mit den Mdels in der Nordstadt ...... kaufe und wir uns auf ein Huserdach legen und diese konsumieren werden, bis wir hoffentlich zugedrhnt auf den Aspalthboden fallen.
Wann hast du Zeit am WE? Was passt dir am besten?