so.... not many people know specifics about my life but something rather.. interesting.. happened.
my biological father is pretty much a drunk loser.. currently in jail. i haven't seen him since i was about 3. dont even remember what he looks like. i've never felt bad about it. i know people that still sometimes see him (hence me knowing he's in jail) and all i've ever heard is what a loser he is. i'm glad he wasn't there after all the stories i've listen too. but something that i have always wondered about was siblings. i only knew of two. one older... who i have recently found out also went to prision. apparently he found out his girlfriend was cheating on him so he shot the guy she was cheating with.. in the face.. i come from a long line of classy people... anyway.. i also have a younger brother. i knew his name was shane, when i was about 7 i talked to him on the phone. i don't remember the conversation had, but i know that it happened. and i haven't heard anything since.... untill face book happened.
this morning i started the day like anyother.. turn on computer, check e-mail.. i got a new messege from a 'shane r***son' .... i know what it's going to say before i even open it, and i was right...
subject -awkward
ummm i was wondering if your father is bill r***son because if it is then i think youre my sister
my biological father is pretty much a drunk loser.. currently in jail. i haven't seen him since i was about 3. dont even remember what he looks like. i've never felt bad about it. i know people that still sometimes see him (hence me knowing he's in jail) and all i've ever heard is what a loser he is. i'm glad he wasn't there after all the stories i've listen too. but something that i have always wondered about was siblings. i only knew of two. one older... who i have recently found out also went to prision. apparently he found out his girlfriend was cheating on him so he shot the guy she was cheating with.. in the face.. i come from a long line of classy people... anyway.. i also have a younger brother. i knew his name was shane, when i was about 7 i talked to him on the phone. i don't remember the conversation had, but i know that it happened. and i haven't heard anything since.... untill face book happened.
this morning i started the day like anyother.. turn on computer, check e-mail.. i got a new messege from a 'shane r***son' .... i know what it's going to say before i even open it, and i was right...
subject -awkward
ummm i was wondering if your father is bill r***son because if it is then i think youre my sister
I know she's a keeper
... thats why I'm keeping her forever!

I've found so many people from my past on facebook it's crazy