why do i always get into a fight at an emo show?
billie's knee went out at the show, so she hungout outside.
i'm back from san deigo.
it was rad...
could have been better, but still very rad!
billiebillie, sin, MartyDistortion, FYi, and myself all went to a wildlife park. it was pretty fantastic. marty and sin are so friggin adorible i don't even know what to do about it.
there was a dik dik there. the dik dik was small and cute. everyone was saying dik dik. it was amusing. especially when there was a family and a mother was saying to her child "look at the littlle dik dik honey"
ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? you can't not laff at that!
kev and tommy are so in love it's cute.
i don't have pic on my computer yet. but there will be.