yesterday was an odd day,,, i barely moved until about 4:30, then out of no where my ex asked me to come over for the night, so i did, like an idiot, again... i dunno, that boy confuses me, we got along great last night, and he got all upset when i said i had to come home today hat i figured out a way so that i could stay longer, but when we woke up he "changed his mind" and didnt want to "force things" between us, so he took me home a good 2 hours before my dad was supposed to pick me up... i dunno, he still doesnt know what he wants from me, we fought this morning, i hate when plans change... its all weird and i really dont know what to make from any of it.... i almost want to tell him, either be with me now and for good or say goodbye... but he hates feeling pressured into anything, so hed just get mad.... oh well, time for me to get ready and go to work so i can talk to the dm about my promotion

sage advice from an old bastard like me