so, i don't want to sound like a charity case, but here's the deal...
anyone who knows me knows im a little nuts, which isnt always a bad thing, unfortunately im not nuts in the good way right now, kind of uber depressed and the likes, been waaaay too long since ive been to the doctors about it, ended up at the hospital today after a particularly bad anxiety attack, well here's the kicker, they wouldnt discharge me until i agreed to go to this partial hospitalization program, could last a couple days up to a month and it happens exactly during my work time, work is unable to give me any sort of short term disability or anything, they cant even promise they can hold my job. my mom is in a nursing home, and i know i bragged about getting all that money from the car accident not all that long ago, and as much as i wanted to save some up in case something like this came up i needed to help my parent's out with their bills and kind of tried to hide the fact that i did that from everybody, i didnt waste the money away, but all the same its gone, and i have no clue how to pay for bills right now, or how long this program is going to keep me, long story short, i would appreciate any help i could get, i'm going to try to find a weekend job to keep until this program lets out so i can at least eat and stuff, but yeah, im a horrible person for asking anyway, but if anyone has so much as a buck they can spare till i figure this out (i just got my wisdom teeth out so i was already in the hole anyway) my paypal is
feel free to flame me for being an ass enough to ask something like that, ill still love you
anyone who knows me knows im a little nuts, which isnt always a bad thing, unfortunately im not nuts in the good way right now, kind of uber depressed and the likes, been waaaay too long since ive been to the doctors about it, ended up at the hospital today after a particularly bad anxiety attack, well here's the kicker, they wouldnt discharge me until i agreed to go to this partial hospitalization program, could last a couple days up to a month and it happens exactly during my work time, work is unable to give me any sort of short term disability or anything, they cant even promise they can hold my job. my mom is in a nursing home, and i know i bragged about getting all that money from the car accident not all that long ago, and as much as i wanted to save some up in case something like this came up i needed to help my parent's out with their bills and kind of tried to hide the fact that i did that from everybody, i didnt waste the money away, but all the same its gone, and i have no clue how to pay for bills right now, or how long this program is going to keep me, long story short, i would appreciate any help i could get, i'm going to try to find a weekend job to keep until this program lets out so i can at least eat and stuff, but yeah, im a horrible person for asking anyway, but if anyone has so much as a buck they can spare till i figure this out (i just got my wisdom teeth out so i was already in the hole anyway) my paypal is
feel free to flame me for being an ass enough to ask something like that, ill still love you

i wish i could help and send you something but im broke livin paycheck to paycheck as it is myself. ill be sure to try to send you some good vibes for what its worth though! i hope everything works out of you!

im im glad to hear that things are looking on the up and up. definately keep me updated, esp since your a fellow MDer
i work in DC so your neck of the woods isnt too terribly far from me!