That bastard Speed Racer sent me the specs for a new class of racing that I can fit into.
Now I have to do something about it.
Like I didn't have enough to do.
Goddamn you SpeedRacer! I am soooo ready to kick some track!
If you wanna see what the bastard has done to me:
Goddamn race car that I am gonna hafta get now!!!
Now I have to do something about it.
Like I didn't have enough to do.
Goddamn you SpeedRacer! I am soooo ready to kick some track!
If you wanna see what the bastard has done to me:
Goddamn race car that I am gonna hafta get now!!!

black xmas isn't thaaaaaaaaaaat scary, but i saw it the first time when i was still in the babysitting age, and being in a big old spooky house, alone (virtually, what's a two year old going to do to protect you from a crazed lunatic?)...and the phone rings and it's some CRAZED LUNATIC? that really became a part of my psychological fabric. whatever you do don't call me when i'm at home alone talking like a crazed lunatic or i might jump out a window or something. really.
now go get that race car darn it!