Well, got interviewed by The New Music tonite for an upcoming episode. I'll let you know when it will air. It'll be on Much Music. I don't know who carries the program in the states...
WARNING: Whine alert!
Yes! It is still too fucking cold! -23 on Dec 1st! That's just wrong! Why the hell does anybody live here! Don't you people realize that there are places where this doesn't happen!! No wonder so many of the Jamaicans who come here have a bad attitude - I don't think they knew how cold it was gonna be!!
Wow - it's late (or early - depending on how you look at it)
Do you think it's possible to have any kind of real relationship with someone you meet online, or is it all mindless flirtation? I wanna be optimistic, but I don't wanna be stupid about it...
WARNING: Whine alert!
Yes! It is still too fucking cold! -23 on Dec 1st! That's just wrong! Why the hell does anybody live here! Don't you people realize that there are places where this doesn't happen!! No wonder so many of the Jamaicans who come here have a bad attitude - I don't think they knew how cold it was gonna be!!
Wow - it's late (or early - depending on how you look at it)
Do you think it's possible to have any kind of real relationship with someone you meet online, or is it all mindless flirtation? I wanna be optimistic, but I don't wanna be stupid about it...
I've never heard of Much Music. If you find out who has it let me know

Damn, that sucks.