Buster the Bass player called me today. I think she wants to hang out or sompin'. We must look hilarious together - She being 5'2" and 95lbs and me being the giant I am. Not that I really care, but I wonder what people think when they see us out together? It must look like a Felini tableaux or something. Anyway, I love her to bits, I call her my "Monkey" and she grudgingly accepts that - (I am such a bastard sometimes) and we go and do things. She is just breaking up with her (dolt, lame-brained) boyfriend (bout time really) so I am helping her to acclimate to being single again. Maybe we'll hit a movie or something. Been snowed in all weekend - I need to get some beer in me.
i was wondering if the impression that i was once involved with him showed up at all? i want it to be sort of peripheral, but... what do you think? (i'm sure, now that i've said something, it might...)
hey, i just realized today that toronto is close to new york city. are you coming down for new years to party with us??