I fantasize more about falling in love than sex. I fantasize about knowing a girl as a friend, and both going through separate relationships, and slowly realizing that we are meant to be together. I dream of us being so comfortable with eachother that all it takes is a realization. All it takes is an opening of the eyes, an opening of the heart. I imagine us looking at eachother and just knowing that this is what is meant to be. I wouldn't be sure about the future, but all that I know is that I would want the now, this moment now. That first kiss. I wonder what happens to your body in a physical sense? Why do you get short of breath, your stomach aches for them, why do you get drunk on their love, their words and touch? Who knows. I'm such an emotion whore. All I know is that I would want to fall in love all the time, forever.
And your entry makes so much sense to me... I have never been in love, and i just... I want to experience that. I don't even really long for sex, but just... being so in love with someone that you want them there all the time, or you are so comfortable with them that they are almost an extension of yourself. And being able to physically hold that person. Oh, I dunno. But yeah, nice to meet ya!