WOOOOOO hellyeah! Who wants to go get drunk on some hand sanitizer?
More Blogs
Saturday Jun 25, 2011
Ya know I love staying up late talking shit to other OTEP fans! I gue… -
Monday Jun 20, 2011
Well I went out on the lake today on my cousins boat and it was great… -
Tuesday Jun 14, 2011
So my glasses have been broken for like 5 months and I've just been t… -
Monday Jun 13, 2011
So this chick I've been doin it with told me that she can't be with m… -
Tuesday Jun 07, 2011
If nobody is anybody than anybody can be nobody. -
Sunday Jun 05, 2011
The revolution will not be televised. -
Friday May 27, 2011
So there was a guy who, I guess, was trying to join the mile high clu… -
Thursday May 26, 2011
Just got all of the Ninja turtles Movies on blue ray! Ah time to be l… -
Wednesday May 25, 2011
Man only one more week til school starts again. A month can really go… -
Monday May 23, 2011
So do you know the difference between the people who said Obama didn'…