Well it's going to be a busy month or so.
My days off switched from the middle of the week to Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. For the last two years, Missdates and I have had conflicting schedules, now that I'm back on weekends off we can spend more family time together. Hopefully it brings us closer rather than butting heads about things.
Last weekend was in Vegas, had a great time. I go again the beginning of next month for my best friends wedding (I'm the best man).
I leave for training tomorrow for physical fitness instructor. It's something I'm excited in doing.
Going to see the Foo Fighters tonight.
So yeah, going to see how being off the weekends is going to be. If I don't like it, I can always switch back I guess.
My days off switched from the middle of the week to Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. For the last two years, Missdates and I have had conflicting schedules, now that I'm back on weekends off we can spend more family time together. Hopefully it brings us closer rather than butting heads about things.
Last weekend was in Vegas, had a great time. I go again the beginning of next month for my best friends wedding (I'm the best man).
I leave for training tomorrow for physical fitness instructor. It's something I'm excited in doing.
Going to see the Foo Fighters tonight.
So yeah, going to see how being off the weekends is going to be. If I don't like it, I can always switch back I guess.
Hehe thank you 

Well, what is is with girls my age (late 20's) is that biologically speaking, our bodies are at prime age to procreate. So hormones change, etc. That's why some of us feel the urge more than others.