Princess L, will you please call me or at least respond to my messages. It’s been a year of me trying to get ahold of you. I miss you, Layla
Princess L, I still love you, I still miss you, and I still hope you’re nothing but happy. You’re the world’s most perfect creature, and always will be. Love you forever, angel.
One of the worst damn things in life is when you’re missing someone, you know damn well they’re getting the few messages you’re sending them, but they still won’t or can’t answer.
I really hope you’ll be as happy as I want you to be, L.
Really cannot wait to be back home. I’ve never felt like that, but this last year has been a complete ass kicker. Looking forward to doing nothing for awhile.

If anyone has a suggestion for a decent artist that focuses on asian style ink, and resides in the PNW, I’d be grateful. I’m going to be back that way in a couple months, and need to get my tattoos touched up in an awful way.