even cowboys get the blues..im sick with the influenza. ive missed two days of work already. ive been sitting at home, sweating my ass off, drinking gallons upon gallons of water. i wanted to go out this weekend. but i was shivering in bed with a 103-degree temp. at least NPR keeps me entertained. i dont know why i love that shit so much. makes me feel a little sophisticated or some damn thing. damn. i havent eaten in almost three days. im goin for some peanut butter crunch here in a minit. man, i dig that stuff too. its the little things in life they say..but ive always distrusted them, whoever they are..they never really show themselves, do they?
OH. Poor baby. Feel better : ( I know how bad it must feel, blah. My kitty's will not make my car anti-theft, well perhaps from men it will!
nope no SIA vegas this year. I went last year so I think I get sent out west to test product some more. Three days of riding and I'm sore as hell. talk to you soon.....peace