theres something in that walk to class in the out the door, cut off gloves and slight white swirling ghosts..i take the alleyways because there is always something stashed behind houses..antiquated dreams tossed out between frozen toppers make such a lonely scene..discarded items of various shapes and sizes that used to be of use..frigerators turned over and phone lines hang low over sinking garages some so ancient looking and now tended only by that small cat who keeps such a keen and watchful eye on every footstep..sometimes its hard to be this happy..and it could be much worse than a walk alone..but my dislike of people is incidental i swear..the shallow vanity of so many..the pretentious cold shoulders..the soap opera arrogance of the self-appointed pretty..all those superficial relationships just shut up its ridiculous..*sigh* know im not perfect and im not all too beautiful, but it dont mean im too good for you..cheers for the depth left in humanity, where it exists i salute you.
Hows the new car? Big pimpin!!!