Why SG
Only through the comprehension of our aberrations, may we come to know the bases for our self's. We are not whole, until we take with firm grasp and with righties pride claim to ourselves our darker side. Deviance is the aberration from normality yet why contend to limit yourself to the mediocrity of others. Why spite yourself with the hindrance of the lesser and the burden of the mundane? Will you dare to be and so cast away the eyes of the lesser.
Have you ever found your very self in your moments of delusional passion and have you not given away your very self to another only to see your very self smashed asunder by he or she that calls themselves your lover. In that very moment when you are set free have you not felt that freedom of your own peculiar aberrations, lift you from your mortal toil.
Bestowing on you the very bases of your whole self allowing yourself to be wash over with a sense of boundlessness. Have you not craved these darker passions in the recess of your heart, calling to you from depth's of your very flesh daring you to be more then the just another?
With all said and done are we but all mortal flesh with mortal loves, and of mortal deeds. It thus matters not what name you have been called by, only that you dared to love another by these your mortal means.
Only through the comprehension of our aberrations, may we come to know the bases for our self's. We are not whole, until we take with firm grasp and with righties pride claim to ourselves our darker side. Deviance is the aberration from normality yet why contend to limit yourself to the mediocrity of others. Why spite yourself with the hindrance of the lesser and the burden of the mundane? Will you dare to be and so cast away the eyes of the lesser.
Have you ever found your very self in your moments of delusional passion and have you not given away your very self to another only to see your very self smashed asunder by he or she that calls themselves your lover. In that very moment when you are set free have you not felt that freedom of your own peculiar aberrations, lift you from your mortal toil.
Bestowing on you the very bases of your whole self allowing yourself to be wash over with a sense of boundlessness. Have you not craved these darker passions in the recess of your heart, calling to you from depth's of your very flesh daring you to be more then the just another?
With all said and done are we but all mortal flesh with mortal loves, and of mortal deeds. It thus matters not what name you have been called by, only that you dared to love another by these your mortal means.