What a memorable weekend I had! So Thursday night I started to panic a little. I was kinda nervous about going down to c-bus by myself and make my introductions at the SG party, didn't know what to expect, was worried about people being pretentious and whatnot. So I wrote Laiden a message and kinda unloaded my insecurities on her because she lives kinda close to me. I felt so bad, and even more awkward afterward but she made me feel a lot better...what a sweetie! So Friday night I make the two hour drive down rocking out the whole way...singing at the top of my lungs to my music collection. I was so pumped by the time I got down there. I drove around downtown c-bus for a little bit trying to find some food. My GPS kept taking me to places that didn't exist anymore, and I was getting a little frustrated. So I finally grabbed a bite and downed some red bull. Found parking right next to Mozaik and commenced the nightlife around quarter til 11.
I was visiting my grandma the following day and have got her turned on to SG. She wanted me to take pictures of all the hotties for her...but I figured it would be creepy to just go up to these girls and ask to take pictures of them. So I thought of a non creepy way to do that and decided to make a sign for her that said "Wish you were here Golden Graham!" and had some of the SGs hold it while I took their picture. Let me tell you...it worked great! Everyone loved the idea.
So I see Patton and Doctor smoking outside the bar. Earlier that day Patton had left a comment on my previous blog saying how cute she thought my grandma was...so I walk up to them and I tell Patton, "you gotta check this out" so I reach into my back pocket and unfold the sign. She reads it and takes a moment to figure it out...a look of excitement washes over her face and all I could do was smile. And so I got my first pics of the night.

After chatting with them briefly I go inside and order my first drink...a Grey Goose dirty martini. After taking my first sip, in walks Laiden and a couple of her friends. Laiden comes right over and gives me a big hug and introduces me to her friends. We talk briefly and I get a couple more pics.

So I leave the bar and take my drink for a walk, I start talking with LillithVain about how awesome her hair was...but it wasn't nearly as awesome as her personality. She was seriously so fucking cool and fun. I then introduced myself to Frolic, who by the way is awesome! She has amazing energy! She was with adorable hopeful jetson_...such a little cutie-pie!

I then proceeded back to the bar for drink number two when I ran into the super sweet and shy Radeo. I introduced myself and she remembered who I was from the site and gave me a great big hug
. After I got my drink, I walked around and started chatting with Trouble_Suicide and her man, John. I talked with them at length and really enjoyed their company, Trouble even bought me drink for being such an awesome guy
. Those guys are my friends for life now.

I talked briefly with Phecda, her hubby to be, Andy and their friend Bryce. After I finished my drink and the shot that Trouble bought (tee-hee) I took a smoke break and chatted with Doctor and Nymph.

Then back to the bar where I talked with Sunshine and Radeo.

Met the extremely talented Durb Morrison and talked with him about finishing my sleeve this summer and HellCity and stuff like that. Such an awesome guy! I then struck up a conversation with the ridiculously gorgeous Ayastigi and her kick ass friend Phil. We talked for awhile about space and smoking weed, Phil and I exchanged some of our stories from our military service. Those guys became a couple more friends for life.

More of the adorable Patton and her friend, Justin I think it was.

So...I have a weakness...tall women. Nothing is more sexy than a woman who is taller than me (I'm 5'11") and so when I saw Rourke, who is a bit taller than me in heels and is so much hotter in person, I was hopelessly enamored and had to go up and talk with her. Let me tell you...everything about this woman is incredibly sexy; her voice, her attitude, her positive energy, the way she carries herself...I'm so crushing on her big time

Then I got to meet Lainey and did my Metalocolypse impressions for her...I think she dug 'em.

What a beautiful smile! I then walked over to AlissaBrunelli and gave her a big ole hug and told her how much I loved her work. I seriously could hug that woman forever.
So it was about this time where I lost count of how many drinks I had and my ego was beginning to run amok. I started talking with Warning and told her how perfect her face was and said "It's like Michelangelo chiseled it from stone." Wow...what a fucking douche. Then back to the bar for my umpteenth drink when I saw this stunning angel with dreds who was like 6 feet tall. I asked her who she is and it turned out to be Luscious. So I say: "Oh yeah...I didn't recognize you. Not to be a dick but your pictures don't do you justice...you're soooo much more beautiful in real life." OMG...shut the fuck up you clown shoe and leave the bar now before you embarrass yourself any further.
But no, I stayed til it closed. Still talking with Ayastigi and Phil until they kicked us out. We said our goodbyes and I was entering blackout zone. I don't remember anything after that. But I woke up at 8:30am in my van wrapped in blankets and spooning my pillow. I called my Golden Graham and told her I was on my way. I drove hungover as shit 45 mins east to where she lived in Heath.

We went to eat at a Mexican food restaurant nearby and I ate a sopapilla that was the size of my head. When the bill came I grabbed it and she gave me a dirty look. She said: "Put that down right now...this is grandma's treat." I said: "No, it's not...it's my treat." This was about the time she started flipping out a little. I eventually gave in and let her pay, but left a nice tip. We spent the afternoon catching up and looking through old pictures of my late Grandfather...Pappy Bob.

I headed back home cause I had to work Saturday night. When I got back to Cleveland I was at a stop light behind this truck. When I saw it...I shit bricks.

All in all it was an amazing weekend. The only part I didn't like was not getting a chance to meet and talk with everyone at Mozaik...but there's only so much time in a night. I'm sure there will be another opportunity to meet the ones I missed.
Thanks for tuning in everyone.
I was visiting my grandma the following day and have got her turned on to SG. She wanted me to take pictures of all the hotties for her...but I figured it would be creepy to just go up to these girls and ask to take pictures of them. So I thought of a non creepy way to do that and decided to make a sign for her that said "Wish you were here Golden Graham!" and had some of the SGs hold it while I took their picture. Let me tell you...it worked great! Everyone loved the idea.
So I see Patton and Doctor smoking outside the bar. Earlier that day Patton had left a comment on my previous blog saying how cute she thought my grandma was...so I walk up to them and I tell Patton, "you gotta check this out" so I reach into my back pocket and unfold the sign. She reads it and takes a moment to figure it out...a look of excitement washes over her face and all I could do was smile. And so I got my first pics of the night.

After chatting with them briefly I go inside and order my first drink...a Grey Goose dirty martini. After taking my first sip, in walks Laiden and a couple of her friends. Laiden comes right over and gives me a big hug and introduces me to her friends. We talk briefly and I get a couple more pics.

So I leave the bar and take my drink for a walk, I start talking with LillithVain about how awesome her hair was...but it wasn't nearly as awesome as her personality. She was seriously so fucking cool and fun. I then introduced myself to Frolic, who by the way is awesome! She has amazing energy! She was with adorable hopeful jetson_...such a little cutie-pie!

I then proceeded back to the bar for drink number two when I ran into the super sweet and shy Radeo. I introduced myself and she remembered who I was from the site and gave me a great big hug

I talked briefly with Phecda, her hubby to be, Andy and their friend Bryce. After I finished my drink and the shot that Trouble bought (tee-hee) I took a smoke break and chatted with Doctor and Nymph.

Then back to the bar where I talked with Sunshine and Radeo.

Met the extremely talented Durb Morrison and talked with him about finishing my sleeve this summer and HellCity and stuff like that. Such an awesome guy! I then struck up a conversation with the ridiculously gorgeous Ayastigi and her kick ass friend Phil. We talked for awhile about space and smoking weed, Phil and I exchanged some of our stories from our military service. Those guys became a couple more friends for life.

More of the adorable Patton and her friend, Justin I think it was.

So...I have a weakness...tall women. Nothing is more sexy than a woman who is taller than me (I'm 5'11") and so when I saw Rourke, who is a bit taller than me in heels and is so much hotter in person, I was hopelessly enamored and had to go up and talk with her. Let me tell you...everything about this woman is incredibly sexy; her voice, her attitude, her positive energy, the way she carries herself...I'm so crushing on her big time

Then I got to meet Lainey and did my Metalocolypse impressions for her...I think she dug 'em.

What a beautiful smile! I then walked over to AlissaBrunelli and gave her a big ole hug and told her how much I loved her work. I seriously could hug that woman forever.

So it was about this time where I lost count of how many drinks I had and my ego was beginning to run amok. I started talking with Warning and told her how perfect her face was and said "It's like Michelangelo chiseled it from stone." Wow...what a fucking douche. Then back to the bar for my umpteenth drink when I saw this stunning angel with dreds who was like 6 feet tall. I asked her who she is and it turned out to be Luscious. So I say: "Oh yeah...I didn't recognize you. Not to be a dick but your pictures don't do you justice...you're soooo much more beautiful in real life." OMG...shut the fuck up you clown shoe and leave the bar now before you embarrass yourself any further.
But no, I stayed til it closed. Still talking with Ayastigi and Phil until they kicked us out. We said our goodbyes and I was entering blackout zone. I don't remember anything after that. But I woke up at 8:30am in my van wrapped in blankets and spooning my pillow. I called my Golden Graham and told her I was on my way. I drove hungover as shit 45 mins east to where she lived in Heath.

We went to eat at a Mexican food restaurant nearby and I ate a sopapilla that was the size of my head. When the bill came I grabbed it and she gave me a dirty look. She said: "Put that down right now...this is grandma's treat." I said: "No, it's not...it's my treat." This was about the time she started flipping out a little. I eventually gave in and let her pay, but left a nice tip. We spent the afternoon catching up and looking through old pictures of my late Grandfather...Pappy Bob.

I headed back home cause I had to work Saturday night. When I got back to Cleveland I was at a stop light behind this truck. When I saw it...I shit bricks.

All in all it was an amazing weekend. The only part I didn't like was not getting a chance to meet and talk with everyone at Mozaik...but there's only so much time in a night. I'm sure there will be another opportunity to meet the ones I missed.
Thanks for tuning in everyone.
Holy shit, it's amazing! All week I have felt like total ass and could barely budge off the couch. Then my stubborn ass goes to the DR. (mostly for the note for work) and I get some antibiotics....I feel so AWESOME right now! I don't know if you could tell but I'm not one of those people who sits still very long. Being sick sucks! But now it's all good.
We're watching the rob zombie halloween movie right now. What are youuuuu doing?
I am supercalifrajalistic excited for my set. WOOHOO for nudity! When are we going karaoke-ing? John says hidey ho neighbor.