Whoot whoot!! The spartans are ranked #17 on the AP poll!!! Yeah buddy!!! Here's to kickin' Notre Dame's ass. Kind of, and almost. But a win's a win. Yeah baby. Bring on Michigan!!
how many times can a guy be rejected? honestly? is there some kind of world record? at a young 22 i'm pretty sure i'm getting damn close. i mean c'mon!!! how much more pathetic can i get? yes... yup... that's me. oh well. anyways... i guess it's ncie... the only decision i have to make is using my right hand or my left hand. i... Read More
hmmm i just got back from the 40-year old virgin. i'm over half way to 40. and you know what... fuck it! i don't care what anyone thinks if i'm a virgin.
guess who's back? it's not 2pac. it's not evlis. it's bugsy. yeah, that stupid little bugsy kid. this time around... well.. oh yeah, bring it on. that's all that needs to be said, for now, or something. or at least until my hangover is gone.
i met my first SG member last week. and what a doll. i just have to give my shout outs to her. the genuine quality of her is hard to come by these days. but i found it! but she's leaving shortly. and i'm leaving too. *sigh* so beautiful. so beautiful. warms my heart in a way it hasn't been in quite some time. and... Read More