While I know that not everyone is a believer in horoscopes and zodiac signs, I am. I'm not a die hard believer, I don't think that it's the end all be all and I definitely don't read my horoscope everyday and expect whatever it says to come to fruition, but I do believe that they play part into your characteristics. And maybe not for you, but 100% for me.
A lot of people when they meet me and we start to talk about zodiacs are able to guess within the first five minutes of talking to me. I wear my emotions on my sleeve, I am not afraid to tell you what I think, and I think that what I think is usually almost always right. If you haven't figured it out yet - I'm a Leo. And damn proud to be one.
For those of you who are unaware of what being a Leo entails, it's pretty similar to that of a lion, or in my case, a lioness. We're proud, natural born rulers, I mean leaders, with a ton of ambition and creativity. We're a fire sun, ruled by the sun, and much like the sun we want to be the center of attention. (So you see now how my birthday story makes more sense... Always gotta to be the most important person in the room) Our pride is also our downfall, some people refer to it as "ego"... I don't know who those people are...
I've always been very stunned and shocked by how on point the Leo characteristics are to my personality. (If you want to read about yours or more about mine you can check it out here) I mean even the traits on the zodiac sign before you read the full article are: dramatic, outgoing, fiery and self-assured - ALL OF WHICH I AM. I don't know guys.. it's pretty spot on.
What about you? What's your sign and do your characteristics match your personality?