- on theconfessionn's blog post
Everyone says "dream big," they also say "don't let your eyes be bigger than your stomach." Both of which I am notoriously good at. I am the type of person who shoots for the moon so I still end up among the stars and then I get upset when I can't have my cake and eat it too. (Are you loving the cliches yet?) Suffice...
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Two Girls One Couch
Hopeful Set
by billywilliams498
The last few months of 2019 were like a shot gun to the face, if I'm being honest. It felt like it was one thing after another that just wasn't going right. Defeated was a feeling that was starting to become a norm, and my motivation to do anything was pretty much gone. I was happy to just hibernate and wait for the pieces to...
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- Blogging, modeling, and being an influencer are all jobs I dream about having, and all jobs that I try (not as hard as I could, admittedly) to have. They just aren't the job I work every day, or as some say - my day job. My every day job does keep my busy for a lot of the hours of the day, and weeks, and,...
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While I know that not everyone is a believer in horoscopes and zodiac signs, I am. I'm not a die hard believer, I don't think that it's the end all be all and I definitely don't read my horoscope everyday and expect whatever it says to come to fruition, but I do believe that they play part into your characteristics. And maybe not for you,...
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Time for the next segment of "Ask Rachelle" in which I answer the question: when and where were you born?
*Side note - I am working on posting more regularly, I promise.*
I was born on July 23rd in the early 90s in a hospital in Burnaby that is no longer there. For those of you who don't know where Burnaby is, it is located...
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- It's time to start answering the list of get to know me questions. And what better questions to start it off with then: What’s your full name and are you proud of it? Are you named after someone, if yes then after whom?
My name has always been somewhat of a story for me, and it's definitely a conversation starter. And not because I have...
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- In the spirit of getting to know me, I decided to fill out one of those "List of Q&As to Get To Know Me" things that YouTube-rs, bloggers, and for some odd reason your first date tend to ask. (Side note - why are all first dates a game of 20 questions, and why aren't the questions the fun ones? You know.... the ones you...
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Just the other day my first Suicide Girls set went live for member review.
In other words, my dreams finally became reality.
What started out as a rebellion against years of being told I was ‘wrong’ for being myself has turned into a major part of who I am. This burning desire to break away from the girl I was forced to be and run...
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Not only has being part of the Suicide Girls community made me feel more 'normal' for being so different in societies eyes, I have also met some of the most attractive human beings - inside and out.
I'm not the biggest fan of sailing, but I would sail away with @princess_ruby
After allowing myself to be salty and hate on Instagram for a few weeks I finally caved and restarted my account. I know how silly it sounds to be upset over something so trivial. I understand that I sound like an airhead crying about her first world problems when I get angry about loosing my Instagram. None of that changes the fact that I lost...
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