Well I'm in Texas now. I left pcola yesterday about 2am and it took me about 11 hrs with stops to get here so not too bad i guess. They've put me up in a hotel till they can assign me a room which probably wont be until weds or so so I'm pretty much living out of my truck until then.

At least this...
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That last paragraph makes absolutely no sense to me. Did you move to Texas?
Well my birthday kicked ass, first it was my birthday, then at graduation I found out i was first in my class and got the only P-3 slot available. And then i got a kickass helm for my pally in karazhan. Went a little sour on a date with this chick cuz she was a total bitch so I actually got up and left like...
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Sounds great! smile And I hope you have a great time in Pcola and San Antonio. smile
well, one day till my birthday and graduation from this phase so its a pretty anxious night

im about 90% certain i got my aircraft since im one of two people that dont have a meeting with the CO tomorrow morning (its the 'not the end of the world' talk)

so now the big thing is whether i got san antonio or jacksonville, hopefully jax...
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Another week begins. went to the gun show yesterday, almost bought a beretta 90-two but i think i'll wait a week or two to see if i'm going to move first before i buy it. anyone else see the new spiderman? i saw it friday and really like it a lot, other than some deviations from the comic books. my only big qualm with the...
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i want a gun. i also want to learn to handle it. i don't want to own one without knowing how to operate the damn thing.

i've heard spiderman is pretty lackluster from everyone. =/

i lived in st. augustine close to jax and loved it. jax itself is a little crazy to live in, but i like visiting.
Well its been quite the week, I've had 5 flights in the past 4 days and now I'm done with this phase of training, won't find out until next friday where I go next though. been so busy havent really had much time to do anything other than study and plan charts, finally got to play video games again today. one shotted attumen on the...
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A to your Q=Daytona smile
well its been a good weekend, Friday took the pally into kara for the first time as a tank and owned face (tanked midnight, moroes, and every pieces of trash minus an occasional shackle, trap, or warrior OT), one shotted attumen and moroes and finally killed maiden, not too shabby for the guild's 2nd week in kara, i even outhealed one of the priests on...
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I'm confused.. Are you a Priest or a Pally? I have a low level pally on CC, but haven't had the time to get it past 24 (I think)
If you're a pally, any suggestions as far as a build?
Thanks for all the help.. Sorry I missed your IM the other day tongue
well i still had to get up for the 6am brief even though i still dont know if ill actually be able to fly today and its almost 11, stupid tornadoes, guess ill play some wow whilst i wait and hope the recipe i want drops
gotta get up way too early tomorrow, no rest for the wicked, ill post more tomorrow
My first name is simple, my last name is complex, but the name I go by is tattooed on my back

pleased to meet ya smile
welcome guy smile