Well my birthday kicked ass, first it was my birthday, then at graduation I found out i was first in my class and got the only P-3 slot available. And then i got a kickass helm for my pally in karazhan. Went a little sour on a date with this chick cuz she was a total bitch so I actually got up and left like 10 mins into the date haha, but then went out drinking with some buddies instead and had a blast
Well time to start packing, i should be getting my new orders in the next few days but I have to leave Pcola on the 24th and be in San Antonio by the 26th of May so not much time to get everything together
Well time to start packing, i should be getting my new orders in the next few days but I have to leave Pcola on the 24th and be in San Antonio by the 26th of May so not much time to get everything together
Sounds great!
And I hope you have a great time in Pcola and San Antonio.