I'm not sure what i did in a previous life.. but it must have been fuuuking aweful!! Allergic to chocolate, seriously?! I've been good, practiced self control.. then tonight I saw it.. the most evil device of the 21st century.. a brownie pan that cooks the brownies in tiny separate squares. So every brownie has a amazing mind blowing tasty crusty outside.. NOOOOO! I think...
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thank you soooo much! I hope you had a great holiday weekend! I'm sorry about the allergy! I'm allergic to milk so I know how much it sucks to be taunted by something sooo good!

How are you?!
i stubbed my toe this morning.. but don't worry i'm quietly plotting my revenge on the coffee table...
make sure to take it by surprise. coffee tables can be quite vicious if startled.
i plan on drugging it..
fuck LIFE cereal is tasty
" Hell-O's" sound like something the Spanish Inquisition would make you eat for breakfast.
fuck i hate paper cuts.. fucking little bastards! its a piece of fucking ground up tree.. and im bleeding like i got shot in the hand.. its just not right...
Dear a.,
Maybe that is guilt I'm feeling... I hear the land of 10,000 fires is gorgeous this time of year! So many fun activities... smoke watching, fire line digging and evacuating... and don't forget stop, drop and rolling!!... no. really I am an assholie'.. I haven't seen my mommy in a year and a half.. I'm pretty sure you go to hell for that.....
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Maybe that is guilt I'm feeling... I hear the land of 10,000 fires is gorgeous this time of year! So many fun activities... smoke watching, fire line digging and evacuating... and don't forget stop, drop and rolling!!... no. really I am an assholie'.. I haven't seen my mommy in a year and a half.. I'm pretty sure you go to hell for that.....
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hey howa u?x
decks? what??
So I woke up this fine Thursday morning with one thing on my mind.... T*A*N*G!!!! You know the delicious orange drink.. created by NASA.. loved by astronauts?! Yeah.. ~T.A.N.G~ so I hop in the truck.. throw in some Sanatra and I'm on my way.. first store.. no TANG.. nothing.. no powdered drinks at all.. not even COOL-ADE... what store doesn't sell COOL-ADE??.. I attribute most...
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I fucking lOVE tang. Thats right I said it! Im ghetto right along with you. I used to eat the shit straight out the plastic container.
That poor dude. Women are soooo predictable.
That poor dude. Women are soooo predictable.
hey thanks for the add u ok?xx