at work.... watching the day go by out my window.
I just found out a friend of mine's parents' were both killed in a car accident yesterday- that makes me beyond sad....Nothing you can ever say is ever right, I wish him all the strength in the world. It's just so hard to imagine losing both of my parents; I'm in complete disbelief.
Other than that i've been listening to Manson's version of Depeche Mode's "Personal Jesus" ? On repeat, I can't stop it, nor do i wanna.
hope everyone is having fun or at least entertained wherever they are. I'm hitting the Nyquil like it ain't no thang 2night to kick away the latest congestion fit I'm having. I'll try and finish the book i'm reading, "Life Expectancy" (seems ironic) or i might just go to the beach on a big blanket and stare at the stars...

I just found out a friend of mine's parents' were both killed in a car accident yesterday- that makes me beyond sad....Nothing you can ever say is ever right, I wish him all the strength in the world. It's just so hard to imagine losing both of my parents; I'm in complete disbelief.

Other than that i've been listening to Manson's version of Depeche Mode's "Personal Jesus" ? On repeat, I can't stop it, nor do i wanna.
hope everyone is having fun or at least entertained wherever they are. I'm hitting the Nyquil like it ain't no thang 2night to kick away the latest congestion fit I'm having. I'll try and finish the book i'm reading, "Life Expectancy" (seems ironic) or i might just go to the beach on a big blanket and stare at the stars...

"The End has come" Ben Moody I have been listening to that for the last 2 days. Non-stop. I want to just destroy someone right now.
yes, go to the beach my leetle babeorama............I will be your beach towel......and yes, I'm drinking........