...*do that, do that, do do that that that*...
the tune in my head this morning, ah well happy Friday to all. Thank god this work week is over. I was able to get done 2 of the 3 things i set out to do yesterday. Got my taxes done, about 1000 bucks back! I tell myself to save it, but then what came in the mail? The Spring Coach catalog. Dammit!
We'll see, we'll see.
Anyway I also found the nearest Good will location yesterday to drop off 2 garbage bags worth of clothing. This place was about 2 minutes from my office, so i skipped out of work around 4 to run this quick errand (that and to grab a latte from Starbucks)
Anyway I could always use a break from office boredom, especially since it was a BEAUTIFUL day out. I saw no other way fit to drive my car unless with the moonroof open, all windows down, and blaring a little Hawthorne heights This was just great, i'm singing tunes just happy to have a little break. I look out to my left and a little convertible pulls up. The man driving it had to be in his late 40's; who knows. It seemed as though he was having a little trouble with the windows going up and down and talking on his cell phone. I smile to myself thinking this guy probably rented this fancy car and has no idea how it functions. (damn snowbirds!)
Anyway back to me in my car, in my zone waiting for the light to go green. In my daze i hear a car honking a horn, i look over and convertible guy is flagging me down. I turn the volume down- ask the guy what he wants, and he's making hand gestures to his cell phone, and his ear- indicating that he is on the phone (duh) he covers the mouthpiece and asks me (if you can even believe this) "can you turn down you volume, I can't hear my conversation!?"
I ask you all, what would you have done if you were me? I mean WTF?
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? ARE YOU SERIOUS? You want ME to turn down MY radio, so you can hear your conversation because in a convertible i am stopping you from doing this? (keep in mind HE'S THE ONE ON A CELL PHONE AND DRIVING!!! So i couldn't help it, i bust out laughing, ask him once more what it is he wants, and he tells me again, the light turns green, i smile, i crank up the stereo even louder, flip him off and then cut him off. And each light afterwards (as he crouches down lower and lower into his seat to continue his conversation) i pull up right next to him and crank it louder and louder.
ahh the simple pleasures
Had a drink last night, had 3 actually. I start to think i could never give up drinking because that stuff tastes TOO DAMN GOOD when it hits your lips.
Hung out a little ways north of me but the drive was nice and i was in good company with Boynton beach peeps. holla!) anyway now i'm just blabbing so i'll get to answering yesterdays questions-
what's your dream car? Benz AMG, it's not asking much is it?
if u could relocate somewhere for the rest of your life but had to stay there forever...where would you go? SAN DIEGO but i'd be rich as fuck and fly you bastards out to come see me all the time!
nicest thing someone said to you today? I didn't know you were 25! I thought you were like 19!
what puts your mind at east after a long day? Although rare i get to do it, reading a good book.
What do you think is your best feature? my ever adorable smile?
Blondes or brunettes? Brunettes of course!
quote of the day? Never burn bridges. Today's junior *prick*, tomorrow's senior partner.
What's the best gift you've ever received? My girlfriends surprised me by letting themselves in my apartment one night when i was working, and in my bedroom they left me a mountain bike, with 2 big helium balloons tied to the handlebars, it was a great surprise after a shitty night of work.
Best gift you've ever given? blood.
And this will be my only question: WHAT WILL BE YOUR WEEKEND HIGHLIGHT?
So, do that, do that, do do that that that(come on)
Do that, do that, do do that that that(OK)
Do that, do that, do do that that that
the tune in my head this morning, ah well happy Friday to all. Thank god this work week is over. I was able to get done 2 of the 3 things i set out to do yesterday. Got my taxes done, about 1000 bucks back! I tell myself to save it, but then what came in the mail? The Spring Coach catalog. Dammit!

Anyway I also found the nearest Good will location yesterday to drop off 2 garbage bags worth of clothing. This place was about 2 minutes from my office, so i skipped out of work around 4 to run this quick errand (that and to grab a latte from Starbucks)

Anyway I could always use a break from office boredom, especially since it was a BEAUTIFUL day out. I saw no other way fit to drive my car unless with the moonroof open, all windows down, and blaring a little Hawthorne heights This was just great, i'm singing tunes just happy to have a little break. I look out to my left and a little convertible pulls up. The man driving it had to be in his late 40's; who knows. It seemed as though he was having a little trouble with the windows going up and down and talking on his cell phone. I smile to myself thinking this guy probably rented this fancy car and has no idea how it functions. (damn snowbirds!)

I ask you all, what would you have done if you were me? I mean WTF?

ahh the simple pleasures

Had a drink last night, had 3 actually. I start to think i could never give up drinking because that stuff tastes TOO DAMN GOOD when it hits your lips.

what's your dream car? Benz AMG, it's not asking much is it?
if u could relocate somewhere for the rest of your life but had to stay there forever...where would you go? SAN DIEGO but i'd be rich as fuck and fly you bastards out to come see me all the time!
nicest thing someone said to you today? I didn't know you were 25! I thought you were like 19!
what puts your mind at east after a long day? Although rare i get to do it, reading a good book.
What do you think is your best feature? my ever adorable smile?

Blondes or brunettes? Brunettes of course!
quote of the day? Never burn bridges. Today's junior *prick*, tomorrow's senior partner.
What's the best gift you've ever received? My girlfriends surprised me by letting themselves in my apartment one night when i was working, and in my bedroom they left me a mountain bike, with 2 big helium balloons tied to the handlebars, it was a great surprise after a shitty night of work.
Best gift you've ever given? blood.
And this will be my only question: WHAT WILL BE YOUR WEEKEND HIGHLIGHT?
So, do that, do that, do do that that that(come on)
Do that, do that, do do that that that(OK)
Do that, do that, do do that that that
The funny thing is, I would probably recognize you, but you would have just about no way of recognizing me!
to that dude on the cell phone
dumb ass
id have cranked the punk rock
and started singing
i have to do my taxes
im gonna stop at a place tommorow
after i do this job interview at the Muesum of Art
- i gotta get something soon cause im dirt poor and im in a rut
and its not good
and i cant find no sugar mama
and my brakes feel like theyre going on my car
and my cars already not working right
life is a shitty fuckin play
this weekend
was parikhans birthday
she came to new orleans
we hung out got dinner
went to the bar where hyenahell works
parikhan gor petty trashed
and little bit naked
i had some gay guy all over my jock - he loved my eyes, who doesnt
and i was smackin some half naked parikhan ass the next day
to start it all over again
that was a weekend highlight(s)