friday night- didn't quite turn out the way i wanted it to but probably for good reason. I'm staying put tonight so that i can get up early (6:00 am) shower & get ready for a drive about an hour north for swim training. Fun stuff! Believe it or not I'm actually looking forward to it. (well i've convinced myself of this anyway!)
I need this. I need to get my head out the clouds and get focused. It's funny how getting sick can knock you down
I haven't trained all week and i feel guilty as hell about it. Hopefully tomorrow will lift my spirits as i need a little team power and spirit for a pick me up (I'm doing a triathlon for leukemia in april) this is why i gave up drinking a few weeks back. Alcohol and endurance training don't jive well. After I'm done with swimming i'm going to the bake sale (sevendust & korn yay!!!). Almost feels like a reward and I know i will be tired as hell. (swim 25 laps and then hang out in a mosh pit?- yeah that will be a very exhausting day!)
Other than that i had a nice convo with momz tonight
yeah that'll be the last time i tell her what's on my mind! geez! i should know better than to think she won't read me the riot act (haha skids throwback!) when i tell her about some mistakes i made this week. i know she wants what's best for me and all that other crap but at 25 i think I FUCKING GET IT!
I guess i want what we all want; to make our parents proud. For them to look at us with pride and adoration. Well as long as i continue to fuck up and make the same mistakes I've been making since i was 17 i won't be on the receiving end of that. When i get my life together perhaps the nepotism will get passed my way- but until then fuck it!
Not much else going on- hope no one reads this when it gets posted cuz you fuckers should be out on this nice friday night having my usual 2 shots of jager, 3 miller lights, 4 ketel 1 & tonic w/extra lime!!!! If anyone manages this send let me know and I'll show you my tits! haha jk but since that is usually what happens after drinking the above mentioned- i figured it about evens out-

I need this. I need to get my head out the clouds and get focused. It's funny how getting sick can knock you down

I haven't trained all week and i feel guilty as hell about it. Hopefully tomorrow will lift my spirits as i need a little team power and spirit for a pick me up (I'm doing a triathlon for leukemia in april) this is why i gave up drinking a few weeks back. Alcohol and endurance training don't jive well. After I'm done with swimming i'm going to the bake sale (sevendust & korn yay!!!). Almost feels like a reward and I know i will be tired as hell. (swim 25 laps and then hang out in a mosh pit?- yeah that will be a very exhausting day!)
Other than that i had a nice convo with momz tonight

I guess i want what we all want; to make our parents proud. For them to look at us with pride and adoration. Well as long as i continue to fuck up and make the same mistakes I've been making since i was 17 i won't be on the receiving end of that. When i get my life together perhaps the nepotism will get passed my way- but until then fuck it!
Not much else going on- hope no one reads this when it gets posted cuz you fuckers should be out on this nice friday night having my usual 2 shots of jager, 3 miller lights, 4 ketel 1 & tonic w/extra lime!!!! If anyone manages this send let me know and I'll show you my tits! haha jk but since that is usually what happens after drinking the above mentioned- i figured it about evens out-

ah of my favorite bands. Tom Morello is a guitar God and YtimK just f*cking rocks, Brad Wilk is as reputable as Tommy Lee, & ZDeLaR is, well ...need i say more. Why are there not more groups with this much talent?