Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I'm alive.
CONGRATS TO sinfuldiva23 WHO HAD HER BABY, as her baby's mom. I am thrilled. I love you and hope to see you and the bebe soon.
Okay, so yeah. I had a series of issues with my account for a bit. But it seems to be A-Okay now. *thumbs up. So in the last few months... let's seeeee. Well, I am working at a pizza place which is mehhhh. I had my set rejected which is also mehhhhh but I pretty much knew ahead of time that the theme was going to make it unacceptable so it wasn't like a mind blowing shock. When I get around to it, I'd like to shoot another one, but honestly real life/work takes precedence over anything and everything I would actually LIKE to do at this point. I would like to contact AlissaBrunelli when the time comes cause I love her pictures, and cause she just smiled when I slapped her booty. And cause she took funny pictures of us all being complete retards over at Meow's house.
OH! My birthday is in two weeks and I'm having my party on Friday the 13th! YAY! I made a nifty flyer cause I am just that cool

I am currently working 6 days a week so I never really see anyone which sucks ass, but I'm tryin to make money to buy a car/move out of my parents house/not suck at life. So it's a neccessary evil.
I am mostly just being tired, and being tired of being tired. and here is my current hair. it's blonde on top and red on the bottom. it's just walking the line of what i can get away with at work. I was inspired by Christina Aguilera in the Come On Over video in which she was smokin.

Ignore Sam. she sticks her tongue out in 99% of picture ever taken of her.
CONGRATS TO sinfuldiva23 WHO HAD HER BABY, as her baby's mom. I am thrilled. I love you and hope to see you and the bebe soon.
Okay, so yeah. I had a series of issues with my account for a bit. But it seems to be A-Okay now. *thumbs up. So in the last few months... let's seeeee. Well, I am working at a pizza place which is mehhhh. I had my set rejected which is also mehhhhh but I pretty much knew ahead of time that the theme was going to make it unacceptable so it wasn't like a mind blowing shock. When I get around to it, I'd like to shoot another one, but honestly real life/work takes precedence over anything and everything I would actually LIKE to do at this point. I would like to contact AlissaBrunelli when the time comes cause I love her pictures, and cause she just smiled when I slapped her booty. And cause she took funny pictures of us all being complete retards over at Meow's house.
OH! My birthday is in two weeks and I'm having my party on Friday the 13th! YAY! I made a nifty flyer cause I am just that cool

I am currently working 6 days a week so I never really see anyone which sucks ass, but I'm tryin to make money to buy a car/move out of my parents house/not suck at life. So it's a neccessary evil.
I am mostly just being tired, and being tired of being tired. and here is my current hair. it's blonde on top and red on the bottom. it's just walking the line of what i can get away with at work. I was inspired by Christina Aguilera in the Come On Over video in which she was smokin.

Ignore Sam. she sticks her tongue out in 99% of picture ever taken of her.
anyway. this is turning into a tangent and a picture overload. I just wanted to say hello, and I am alive. And your mother sucks cocks in hell.
Paige needs to see her "momma" too - we needs to get some tarantulas and catch up SOON.