In other news. My friends and I had our 2nd annual Halloween blowout. I didn't have as much fun as I did last year but meh, I guess maybe I stayed a lil more sober this year to keep an eye on people. I don't have any pics from it yet because everyone was too damn drunk to remember to take pictures so there are only a few floatin out there. I didn't end up getting the Maid of Money costume. I instead went with this really cute Queen of Hearts since a friend of mine was going to be Alice from the computer game. All scary and grr.
On October 29th, Kelly, Jake,
Meow and I went to Hallowicked in Columbus but after getting there and standing around for a bit tryin to find someone who was selling tickets nad didn't want to buy tickets off of us,
Meow who didn't have a ticket said fuckit and went home to watch The Shield (*chuckle). The show was meh. We mostly made fun of people and I ran into
InsaneNinja like I always do and he took this picture.
my leatherface hoodie rules your face.
She picked us up later and I drunkenly rambled about how I thought that
Vectrexxx hated me because of this one day when he thought I ate his ham when it wasn't me. I only had one piece. and I said how he always seemed to be giving the the evil eye. So now of course everytime I talk to him or her with him in the background he has to make jokes at my expense. The bastard. I was drunk. Leave me be. hahhahah. Anyway, we all went to this gas station where we bought a buncha steele reserve and wine and I bought this awesome sticker that was all glittery and said "Fo' Shizzle." The dude tryin to ring me up thought I was nuts cause I kept laughing everytime I looked at it. So, I stuck it on
Meow's dashboard as soon as we got in the car and so now she has to laugh at it everytime she tries to drive.
On October 31st, Kelly, Jake, Adam and I all went up to Detroit for Hallowicked up there, and the show was super fun. Tech N9ne and Twiztid played and that's who I really came to see. I ran into Janet at the hotel and Pixie and others in the parking lot outside. We stood in line for what seemed like an eternity behind some smelly kids and some plus sized clown gals behind us. Some bum came up to us and busted out a sick tune on his kazoo and then Jake and I did dances and such. The guy wanted money but we didn't have any and had already given our change to the other bum. Two scalpers almost scalped eachother for real over who was gonna sell Adam a ticket. Some guy who repeatedly told me he was there to spread the word of Satan came out of nowhere and was like "I'M GETTIN THE FUCK OUTTA HERE BEFORE THEY START CUTTIN EACHOTHER!" and then he fled. So anyway, we got inside, and we realized it wasn't general admission even though the fuckers on ticketmaster said it was. FUCK YOU TICKETMASTER. So we go up to the freakin balcony which is lame as all fuck. Then they tell us we can't smoke in there. So Kelly and I are sneakin cigarettes like in high school the entire time, cupping em and all. So we leave there and we go to buy beer at this stupid ass Speedway and
Kannibaliztik and
Meow both know the one I'm talkin about. That janky ass one of the corner of East Jefferson. Yeah, that one. So some other bum tells us that they don't sell beer at gas stations in Michigan. Which leads us to the quote "We suck at Detroit, and we win at bums." So he directs us to this liquor store down the street. Only when we get there, we see that it is not only a liquor store but also a chicken place and they sold fake hair. We were like........... allllrighty then. We walk in and there is a fuckin chicken wing bone on the floor on the welcome mat. HAHAHHAHAHA. So anyway, we get our booze on and I put it on my credit card and I don't even wanna discuss how much it was. We get back to the hotel and that's when the real fun began. Everyone we knew stayed at the same hotel and every single room was taken up by folks who had gone to the concert, so basically it was a 100 room party. We found that our room contained a Home and Garden magazine that someone had jizzed on (I'm serious) and also had it's very own heroin spoon and the bag the drugs came in. Right next to the bible no less. Here's a picture of our treats on Halloween.
Here's Kelly and me in our costumes.

she's wearin her hoodie cause it was mad cold in Wonderland that day.
We were pretty excited that our tub was wicked huge, even though it was kinda dirty.

I wore that damn tiara all day. I was very excited about being the queen.
Then came the partying and the booze and a whole lot of what the fuck. Adam took to wearing a towel on his head and calling himself Ishmal all night.
adam put a condom in his turban (it wasn't used) but anyway I couldn't look at him without laughing. as you can see here.
anyway, what it really comes down it to that by 5 am i had found an abandoned room with a broken toilet to sit on and eat my chips, drink my wine, and have some beers in front of me in case of a beer emergency. The queen has to sit on her throne sometime ya know.
Sorry KB is blowing - there's no way I can be in that store for 10 minutes let alone 10 hours. Fuck that.
You know you wanna facial too. Slut.