Ever been to the country and had that overpowering urge to just "settle down"? Considering the weekend I've just had the temptation is near overwhelming.
I'm adding to an already growing reputation as a man-whore (more on that another time) and it's not a good thing.That whole party boy crazy image is starting to fade. I'm fucking bored of it. Really bored of it.
There are some big problems with the whole "moving" thing though. To name but a few:
> Work - I have a good job here, but after a brief browse on Monster.co.uk, the area I'd be looking to move to hasn't got a great selection. I could start my own business perhaps, but that has it's own troubles and it's own stress, something this is aiming to move away from.
> Friends- New friends are easy to come by, but old friends are impossible to replace. I'd be leaving a lot of good people behind me.
> Money- I'd need to be completely out of debt first and have some cash behind me, something I'm at least 3 months off.
> Family- Obviously I'd be away from everyone which would suck.
> Driving - Out in the middle of nowhere you need to be able to drive, and whilst I can drive I'm not legally entitled to yet.
That'd have to be sorted, so add another 1500 to my debt for car and license...
In short, it's not going to happen short term. But it will. I'm pretty set on moving out into the country, I only need to walk outside at night, breathe in and look up to make my mind up.
I guess we'll just have to see where I am at the end of the year
I used to live there. Do not go, honestly don't.
No no no no no no no it's wrong, it's just worng, believe me.