My head is still spinning. So much, always so much... I wish I updated this thing more often, it'd mean a lot less work when I *do* update it. Sadly, my camera has been out of action for a little while, and I just can't bring myself to update until I've got some pictures to go with it. Means I'm missing pictures from the events which follow, but hopefully I can get it all across through the English language.
To start with a phrase I commonly use: "Where do I begin?" ...
Ok - good place to start is my previous 2 entries. Last thing I was talking about was the 21st party I was throwing for Zoe, and also about shit to do in the near future to relieve the everyday boredom of a weekend (without breaking the bank, or myself,or the law...) The whole Urban Exploration thing hasn't kicked off yet, plus it's grey area on the law so might not be worth it.
On top of that I've come to realise that I've not got *quite* all the equipment I need. I want a sorter range lens with a lower aperture for night shots, but that'll have to wait until next month.
It was the party season this month, with Zoe and Anita both turning 21 within 3 weeks of each other and Becky leaving for Australia, I was guessing that the sober/drunk ratio was going to be near equal, not to mention the bank balance taking a strong decline. Pah- all for a good cause eh?
Zoe's party was the only one I had to deal with myself, and thankfully everything went off without a hitch. Mr Matt Lord did a slap up job of the entertainment, and we weren't actually allowed to turn the equipment up past halfway because of the nearby residential. Good job.
The turnout, however, was lower than I'd have liked. To be fair I only gave everyone 2 weeks warning, AND it was optional fancy dress, AND a lot of Zoe's friends live on the Wirral. Given these factors, I'd say that the 40/50 people that did show more than made up for the numbers. If you came, thanks a bundle, it was good fun and I'll be doing something much better in the future - watch this space, you'll be blown away

This is the best way to describe my attempts to beat Jess at SingStar:
Chris: 0
Jess: 17
That's what you get for trying to sing after 3 or 4 bottles of wine, AND trying to win on Away turf. She chickened out when we were on Neutral ground (more of where later) but to be fair she *was* hungover and looked like she would have sooner thrown up than sing. Probably the only time I could have beaten her...
Eddie was ace too - we did some fabulous renditions of some pretty horrendous tracks. Nothing quite beats Helen's sweet tones yelling "REVENGE IS BETTER THAN MONEY YOU SEE!" - class.
Uh. Still recovering from this one. I think any party can be called a success when your friends mother locks you out at 4pm the next day because "There is no way you're carrying this on in my house." Thankfully I'd left that night rather than continue the fun and games, but Becky, Neil, Rachel (x2) and Adam all turned up at our place gassed as hell, at 4pm after Becky's mum had kicked them out.
The events of that night before this were legendary. Chief and Leah had a lot of band members there - with Becky's brother Joe being the guitarist/singer in Leahyou'd kinda expect that. To list some of the stuff witnessed that night:
* Snakes - Chidley managed to find a damn python, and proceeded to go "Look at this!" as I sat down. It's a good job beer isn't all that expensive.
* Bands - Lots of bands looking for gigs, a useful night for networking... and all that shit.
* Comedy Camera - People not understanding my camera at all, but still managing to take great pics in their innebriated state.
* Curry? - Becky's parents making a kick ass curry, and serving it up at 1-2am
* Bongo Guitar Play Off - Gary and his twin brother playing off against each other, one on the bongos and one of the acoustic guitar. Gary was playing so fast that he split his thumb open, and subsiquently covered the guitar (and nearby girls) in his life juice. Nice.
* Hotel California - The simultaneous realisation that no-one know the words to the song. A room full of 15-20 people all got 3 lines in and then all mumbled the rest.
Kick ass party - that's just the stuff I can remember. I somehow ended up with a Trilby too, and I'm liking it.
I turned up armed with a bottle of champagne, a bottle of wine, an 80's look and SingStar. I also took my camera, but it's usefulness was challenged when we realised I'd left the CF card at home. Score one for Chris.
Anita had this massive badge saying "21ST" pinned to her, and someone had given her a "1ST" and "2ND" birthday card, making a double effort 21 badge, also pinned to her. By the time I got there I think everyone had already been partying for a while, the liquor was flowing quite freely and the atmosphere was loose

Jess was here in there hungover state, and thus wouldn't answer to the call for SingStar. Lucy, Sophie and Maria liked the idea, but didn't have enough guts to step up straight away (read: weren't drunk enough) - This changed once
Sophie took me on... and whilst she lost the first match she started to pull her game up towards the end of the night. Maria was the sucess story though, she rocked at it and it soon became apparent that no-one was getting that red mic away from her.
I lost to her on Love Machine. Gutted.
After many hours of jollity I left and walked home, ruining the back of my feet with my new(ish) shoes. I've still got to give Anita her present, which arrives Wednesday hopefully. I suck at bank holiday postal organisation :|
Some in betweeny bits that I just can't be arsed trying to fit into all that lot in order:
* Drums - Helen and I *finally* did a drum lesson, and she fucking rocked at it. Keith kindly donated his old practice drum kit to us for a very reasonable price, and thus we're both now training to become drummers

* Basketball - The courts are now up in Coronation Park, literally 20 seconds from my front door. I had my first game in work last Monday and it near killed me. No breakfast didn't help, but just generally being shit was worse. Plenty of practice to be had, and god almighty it doesn't half work you.
* BBQ - Helen's dad kindly got a BBQ and chair set for the summer, so BBQ's are on the cards. Qatch this space.
* Band Nights - The hall can be rented again after getting raided last month, but for over 18's only. Again, watch this space, some stuff coming up...
* PGR3 DLC Out! - One of the projects I've worked on has come to fruition - the downloadable content for Project Gotham Racing 3 has been released on Xbox Live. 12 new cars, new features, etc... it's good value for money in my opinion (hehe, shameless plug)
* Knackered - I'm knackered. Utterly knackered.
So, for the future my plans are just to get myhead down and stop making plans. It's been a busy two weeks, and the ones coming are going to be just as bad unless I actually start avoiding this shit. Anyone who's been there for when this stuff happens, you'll know there's a lot left out the above. Had a blast with you all and hopefully will do again soon, just need to get the groundwork sorted before I come out to play again

thanks for the comment