It's a tough one... but now and again you just need to step back, take everything in, and then jump back.
Last few weeks have followed a trend I always knew they would. When you leave things unfinished, eventually they catch you out. When you leave multiple things unfinished, they catch you out all at once. I tend to work on avoidance, it's one of my bigger flaws. Rather than meet something head on and draw a line, I prefer to hang back and let the dust settle, then cast an opinion. To be fair it's always done me well, but the side effect is that you become increasingly retiscent to actually making decisions.
In other words, you just glide through life on the easy path - path of least resistance I think it's called.
Anyhow - had a load of heavy shit dumped on us once again by people who should fucking well know better. I had to make a decision between an old housemate I loved and his girlfriend. While it's not my place to discuss the nature of the conflict, I will say that I am fucking disgusted at what has happened and the consiquent denial and backtracking of that former housemate.
Man, I thought you were someone else - you ashame yourself.
On top of this I cancelled my bike insurance. When I worked it out I've spent around 60-70 days on the road and had two accidents, one of which could have ended really nastily. Those aren't odds I like, so I've ditched the bike idea for the time being.
My photography has been none existant, and my material dull. It snowed by I was too wrapped up in other shit to actually care.
*deep breath*
That actually feels better. Here's hoping the next few weeks start trending upwards, otherwise my eBay cash is going on booze and hookers rather than anything constructive. Here's my current playlist in iTunes:
I need some new material, something mellow but not suicidal - suggestions on a post card please (or in comments if that suits you better, but post cards are fun too...)
Funny, I like making decisions - and the more extreme the better. Don't worry - I would never threaten bad luck with the chain thingies - andI would quite happily bump off all the annoying twerps that do.Still, would be interesting to seeyour answers.
Ha! I AM 25 mister... he's just a dash older...