As a game developer, I tend to collect gaming merchandise and hoarde it for years. I've got a MegaDrive with first editions of Road Rash, Desert Strike and Sonic 2 in my garage. I'd never play any of those games on the actual console, they'll just sit there for eternity collecting dust. The pinicle of a bygone era.
But now I've hit a snag. With the events of last month pulling things into sharp contrast, I need to raise funds to keep my bike roadworthy, keep the bills paid and also afford birthday presents for my dad, my sister (who turns 21) and my best friend whom I live with. Add to this the general paying of bills, loans and other such goodies, and hell, it's not pretty.
Possible, of course, but not pretty.
So, I've decided to become a little bit materialistic and sell some of this video game history which I've obtained, namely my limited edition Xbox 360 faceplates. For anyone who does know what the hell I'm talking about, the next-gen console Xbox 360 has a detachable front. You can make a new facia and stick it on, thus personalising it to your living room/games cupboard, and making it look that little bit less (or more) geeky.
The items in question are three of the rarest faceplates money can buy, being:
PGR3 Custom Faceplate
They gave these to us when we completed writing PGR3, and also to a couple of people in the X05 event in Amsterdam. There's less than 700 according to one eBayer, and I can well believe it. "Rocking horse shit" springs to mind.
X05 Event Faceplate
This one I actually *boughtof a mate of mine in work. I was desperate to complete the set, and thus purchased it off him just before his wedding. My reserve is actually less than what I paid, but to be honest I don't really mind. I achieved my goal to get all the ones I could, so my conscience is satisfied.
E2 2004 Announcement Faceplate
Oh man. I got this one in LA at the Microsoft event when they announced the Xbox 360 to the world. We all got royale hammered for free after J Allard, Peter Moore,'et al' made their announcements. On the way out we got this cool numbered faceplate, bearing in mind this was like a good year and a half before the console actually existed. That's fore thinking for you...
But there's one I'm keeping. One I'm never going to sell, because it's a little more special. I've not seen a single one on eBay yet, nor any pictures online.
But it's on the front of my 360 at home.
And it's fucking cool.
Unfortunately, SG has decided to add some weird < / BR > kind of shit to EVERY LINK I TRY TO ADD. If I can figure out what the hell it's up to I'll insert the pics, otherwise try and follow this link...
My MSN Spaces
Anyhow, back to the drag...
Like I said to M69, Mancs are harder than essex kids.

My last job was just crap. Let us never speak of it again...