seven things to do before I die:
1. Travel to the old country (Europe)
2. Fall in love again
3. Become a better golfer
4. See the Eagles win a Superbowl
5. Own my own home
6. See the LA Clippers win a Championship
7. not have to worry about money (bi coastal)
seven things I cannot do:
1. eat peas (last time I was forced to and I barfed on my Granny)
2. enjoy sitting in traffic
3. work for a big stupid bank again
4. live without music
5. ice skate
6. live on a bee farm
7. hunt wild animals
seven things I say most often:
1. werd
2. what up
3. what the ___ ? (free to choose an expletive)
4. damn/dang
5. fo sho
6. hell yeah
7. some huh?
seven books I love:
1. the Goblet of Fire
2. the half blood prince
3. No one here gets out alive
4. Do androids dream of electric sheep
5. The Operator
6. Hollywood
7. Beverly Hills Youth
seven movies I can watch over and over again:
1. Empire Strikes Back (any Star Wars)
2. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
3. LOTR The Return of The King
4. Sid & Nancy
5. White Boyz
6. True Romance
7. The Godfather
1. Travel to the old country (Europe)
2. Fall in love again
3. Become a better golfer
4. See the Eagles win a Superbowl
5. Own my own home
6. See the LA Clippers win a Championship
7. not have to worry about money (bi coastal)
seven things I cannot do:
1. eat peas (last time I was forced to and I barfed on my Granny)
2. enjoy sitting in traffic
3. work for a big stupid bank again
4. live without music
5. ice skate
6. live on a bee farm
7. hunt wild animals
seven things I say most often:
1. werd
2. what up
3. what the ___ ? (free to choose an expletive)
4. damn/dang
5. fo sho
6. hell yeah
7. some huh?
seven books I love:
1. the Goblet of Fire
2. the half blood prince
3. No one here gets out alive
4. Do androids dream of electric sheep
5. The Operator
6. Hollywood
7. Beverly Hills Youth
seven movies I can watch over and over again:
1. Empire Strikes Back (any Star Wars)
2. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
3. LOTR The Return of The King
4. Sid & Nancy
5. White Boyz
6. True Romance
7. The Godfather