Please help
Bella Suicide out. She really needs everyones help right now. While I don't personally know her, I would like to help in anyway possible.. and since I am pretty broke I am going to repost her blog for her, and hopefully reach a few more people out there.
Please read her blog entry below the spoiler. And thank you for your time.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Dear Dear Readers,
If you were ever to hear my crys for help now is the time. My daughter Emma has has heart problems since she as born. We need to take her to a cardioligist but my husband was laid off work about 2 months ago and we can't afford to pay for the past bills which is what they want us to do in order to get the examinations she needs done...The doctor's are'nt saying that they will NOT do it, they have been sending us bills for months and months and we just can't pay them....I'm doing everything I can to figure out with the state whats going on but there is so much red tape it's hard to keep it all straight.Here is a run down of what happens with a baby's heart and what's going on....
"Holes in the heart. Several defects can be thought of as holes in the walls between heart chambers or abnormal passageways between major blood vessels leaving the heart. These holes allow oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood to mix. If the holes are large and a lot of blood is mixed, the blood that ends up being circulated through your baby's body is not carrying as much oxygen as normal. Poorly oxygenated blood causes your baby's skin or fingernails to appear slightly bluish in color. Your baby may also develop signs and symptoms of congestive heart failure, such as shortness of breath, lethargy and leg swelling, because both oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood are flooding (overcirculating) the lungs.
Examples of hole defects include ventricular septal defect, which is a hole in the wall between the right and left ventricles; atrial septal defect, a hole between the upper heart chambers; and patent ductus arteriosus (DUK-tus ahr-teer-e-O-sus), an opening between the pulmonary artery and the aorta. During fetal development, this opening allows blood in the fetus to bypass the lungs. Within a few hours after birth, however, it should close. If it doesn't, oxygen-rich blood intended for the body is directed back to the lungs, and in some cases may need to be closed with a small procedure that leaves the child in the hospital for not more than a few days, though it can be costly."
I pulled that offline because I could'nt copy and paste the paper work that I have in my hand from the doctor. There are many other children in the world with much worse problems, I just don't know what to do when it comes to financially! I am really scared and I am asking that if anyone has anything negitive to say please keep it to yourself. You may not think this is a big deal but if it was you're child you would be reacting JUST like I am. It's very scary!
...Anyone who can help Please please do.....I would never ever ask for money or help but we have an account set up on paypal for anyone who wants to help us out! Please dear friends pray for us in this time of need. I am selling things on ebay. Just search Suicide girls and you will see that my sellers name is: Emmadsmommy
And the paypal account is under the email address
Anything you an do, please please help me. I haven't felt this distraught in my life. I need help. I need emotional help and support right now. SHe may need an operation to close a hole in her heart. They thought it would close by her 9th month of life and it has'nt. It happens to a lot of babies but in her case the hole never closed. SHe is my life and my heart, if I lose her I will die inside.
I also recently lost (as in she really fucked me over not died) Emma's godmother and my best friend. I dont even have anyone to help me emotionally friend wise. I need youre love right now, im going to be shooting another set to make some money but emmas insurance wont cover 60 percent of a 21 thousand dollar bill.....
All donations are being accepted any way, whether it be money or advice or even time to talk.
I will be posting a PO box later today because I would love to hear from some of you. Its hard to check my email but emma like to play with envelopes so its a cake walk to read actual letters and write back.
In the past i had an assistant sell things for me and she was poketing the money so i will be doing this myself so no one gets screwed......on ebay i just say its someone else so i dont get some crazys....
The pay pal account is
Name: Robert Lynn
Who is my husband!!
Thanks for listening!
If you can help her by even talking to her, she'd really appreciate it. So please everyone, do what you can for her and her baby!!