Saw Super Size Me Sunday...
I highly recommend it. Not only is it fucking hilarious, it's pretty amzing how fucked up fast food is and how out of control obesity is. 1 in 4 people are obese in Mississippi!! Fucking A.
For those who haven't heard of it, it's a documentary about a guy who's in perfect health who goes on a McDonald's only diet for 30 days. I won't give away what happens to him, but let's just say McDonald's is dangerous. We all knew that, i hope, but this movie does more that just bash McDonalds. I touches on the food kids eat in the school system and how major candy, cereal, and fast food corporations try to brainwash kids at an early age. Most of the shit is obvious but the facts are astounding. It opened my eyes alot.
Add me if you're on MySpace bitches!!!!
Username: The Dirty Things
I highly recommend it. Not only is it fucking hilarious, it's pretty amzing how fucked up fast food is and how out of control obesity is. 1 in 4 people are obese in Mississippi!! Fucking A.
For those who haven't heard of it, it's a documentary about a guy who's in perfect health who goes on a McDonald's only diet for 30 days. I won't give away what happens to him, but let's just say McDonald's is dangerous. We all knew that, i hope, but this movie does more that just bash McDonalds. I touches on the food kids eat in the school system and how major candy, cereal, and fast food corporations try to brainwash kids at an early age. Most of the shit is obvious but the facts are astounding. It opened my eyes alot.
Add me if you're on MySpace bitches!!!!
Username: The Dirty Things
I remember the days when I was the only fat kid in school,now theres like 3 of me to every class..I feel so standard