Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. What kind of trouble did you get into?
I spent the weekend in the windy city, Chicago. I have friends from all walks of life, my Chicago ones are the clubbing type, so that's what we did. Safe to say I was the only really BEARDED guy wherever we went. Yeah, there was some facial hair, beards real short, etc... Beard didn't play like I thought it would in that environment. Oh well, still had a blast.
Arrived Thursday night at my friend's place, went out for a late dinner and a drink with him and his girlfriend. Friday night was North Coast Music Festival. Got there later, but still had a blast. W&W was fun, also took in some Bassnectar and Allesso. Good, good stuff. After that, we hit up a club called, Soundbar. Asked a heavily tattooed/pierced server if she was interested in meeting up with my friends and I another night, gave her my number (no dice on hearing from this one. Took a shot, no complaints, no hard feelings :) ).
Saturday night was the big night. Suit coat, button down shirt, tie, nice jeans, nice shoes. A couple guys from Madison came down and met up with us. Cool, cool guys. We hit Soundbar again, just because it was easy and convenient. After that, we went to a spot called Cuvee. Nice little club. Someone there had a birthday and these girls carried a midget on their shoulders who was carrying a bottle. Decided I'm going there for my birthday next year. As an after "party", we went down to the waterfront to watch the sun come up. It was a beautiful morning.
Sunday night was rough. I had stuff to do during the day, so I couldn't be with my friends the whole day, but met up with them later. They went to El Hefe. Place was crazy. Stood in line for probably close to an hour before I got in. My friend's group was huge. Unfortunately, when you have a huge group, you're bound to get some dbags and sure enough...
After El Hefe, we were supposed to go to a club called, "Underground." Because of the dress code, most of our group had to get changed, which meant finding their way back to cars. I got separated from my good friends, ran around downtown with the guys I met the previous day. By the time we got to Underground, they were only accepting people who wanted to buy bottle service or were on a guest list. So I ended up not getting in. The dbags from earlier spent $5000 to get the shittiest table in the place. The rest of the shutout group opted to go elsewhere. After standing outside for 45 minutes, I opted to go back to my friend's apartment.
Ended up sleeping right away. Monday was a relaxation day. Watched some horrible Netflix movies: The Double and Goodbye, World. I didn't make it through Goodbye, World. I went to go visit another friend and his newborn, but the way that movie was going, I don't feel like I missed anything.
Tuesday morning, hit the road from Northwest Chicago and pulled into my driveway in under 6 hours with a gas stop and a food stop. Probably my best time to date.
Tuesday night, my pool league kicked off, so it was back out again.
Tonight, back into the gym and ice hockey starts back up. Now if I can just get my diet started back up... :D