...I guess.
Was with a girl for 14 months. I let my subscription run out, because this kind of stuff made her uncomfortable. Well, it turns out that we just were not on the same page about the future. For me, I want that family unit. I want to get married. I want to have kid(s) at some point. At 35, I'm not getting any younger. At the same time, I'm not without fault. Perhaps, I did get lazy and complacent. I don't know. All I know is that we were spinning our tires and not really going anywhere.
That being said... she was a fantastic girl. I cherish the time we spent together, but it was time for us to go our separate ways. I have no shame in admitting that I did cry after the break up. It's tough, you just don't walk away from 14 months and not be emotional.
My future plans? At this point? I'm looking to reinvent myself. Become more well read. Cook more, workout more (though I play hockey 2-3 times a week), take charge of my life and finances. I've had my fun. I've traveled, I've had fun. Not saying that this is the end of that, but I think it's time to regroup.
Hope everyone out there in SG land has a safe and awesome Memorial Day weekend. I'd also like to through a very special, "Thank you!" to the SG vet members. If it wasn't for you, this site and community would not be possible. Again, thank you for yours, and in some cases, your family's sacrifice. Thank you.