Had the worst case of insomnia that I've ever had last night. I did not fall asleep until almost 6 am, which when my alarm is set for work. Needless to say, I took today off. LOL
I do however feel so much better today. Ice hockey starts back up tonight. I have an idea of where I want to go personally this year and I'm not talking location. I'm considering ditching my planned 2 week trip to Europe this summer in favor of paying off some bills. Which will help me when I then try to refinance my house and then use the money saved from the new payment to pay off my car. Just keep rolling.
I probably wont' cancel my trip to Europe though...
I do however feel so much better today. Ice hockey starts back up tonight. I have an idea of where I want to go personally this year and I'm not talking location. I'm considering ditching my planned 2 week trip to Europe this summer in favor of paying off some bills. Which will help me when I then try to refinance my house and then use the money saved from the new payment to pay off my car. Just keep rolling.
I probably wont' cancel my trip to Europe though...