RIP Aunt Ruth, you will truly be missed. Lost a dear loved one tonight. Not to play favorites with relatives, but she was a favorite of mine. I always looked forward to her homemade Chexmix, the gifts, and most importantly, the time. Growing up, one of the things I looked forward to the most at family get togethers was my Aunt Ruth being there.
Crazy week/few days. Tonight was just the culmination of some things. First, I'm actively watching a friend piss away a good thing. Call it jealousy, envy, whatever. He's got a loving wife and two beautiful kids, yet I watch him take it for granted. Pisses me right the fuck off. Some people just don't realize how well they have it or what they've got. Just hope he realizes it before it's too late.
What a day...
Also, all my computers are dead, posting from my phone is a pain. Time to nerd it up and build a new PC.

Crazy week/few days. Tonight was just the culmination of some things. First, I'm actively watching a friend piss away a good thing. Call it jealousy, envy, whatever. He's got a loving wife and two beautiful kids, yet I watch him take it for granted. Pisses me right the fuck off. Some people just don't realize how well they have it or what they've got. Just hope he realizes it before it's too late.
What a day...
Also, all my computers are dead, posting from my phone is a pain. Time to nerd it up and build a new PC.