Phewwww... hell of a workout. Starting to see gains in my lifting which is always encouraging. I've finally come to terms with the fact that I need to slow my pace in my running. I've been doing (well, trying to do) the Couch to 5K program to train for my first 5K coming up in September. Originally, it was supposed to be the first weekend of June, but work offered to fly me to Vegas for 5 days, so naturally, I'm going to Vegas. It kind of works out, since my progress hasn't been where I had hoped it would be. This just gives me a few extra months to continue to train. I was really gunning for a pace of 5.5 mph on the treadmill. Today, I slowed my roll down to 5.0 mph and found the runs a little more comfortable (naturally).'s really a shame that I waited until 32 to take exercise more seriously. Well, better late than never, right?
And now the head shaking part... might go out for a couple beers later.
And one of my favorite songs:'s really a shame that I waited until 32 to take exercise more seriously. Well, better late than never, right?
And now the head shaking part... might go out for a couple beers later.

And one of my favorite songs:
I enjoyed this fine brew tonight. 10.5% ABV. I am feeling pretty damn good.