I'm thinking of building an ark. Who wants in? Tickets can be purchased or fare can be earned. 
This rain is so depressing. Can I please get a thunderstorm or something, at least make the rain entertaining.
Exhausting game of hockey tonight. Did manage to score a goal in our 9-5 win. Also accidentally trucked over a teammate. He got the worst of it, no doubt.
No movies tonight. I need to catch up on my stories.
*Edited to add:*
Dammit, I should've gone to see Aesop Rock tonight at Outland. Bah!

This rain is so depressing. Can I please get a thunderstorm or something, at least make the rain entertaining.
Exhausting game of hockey tonight. Did manage to score a goal in our 9-5 win. Also accidentally trucked over a teammate. He got the worst of it, no doubt.
No movies tonight. I need to catch up on my stories.
*Edited to add:*
Dammit, I should've gone to see Aesop Rock tonight at Outland. Bah!