Fun day on the Russian River, wherein yours truly avoided both a sunburn and public drunkenness, amazingly. It was surprisingly cool and refreshing on the river; and afterwards, the lot of us had a great surf n turf meal, then sat on the porch of my friends' house and b.s.-ed into the night-- a great way to spend a Sunday, which is usually kind of an awkward day, socially, this time of year (post-summer, pre-football).
For the last week, I swear, I've been sweating constantly. It's like I'm a walking river. Sheesh.
For the last week, I swear, I've been sweating constantly. It's like I'm a walking river. Sheesh.
This summer was pretty lackluster.
I'm sure everybody plans things. But you need money to execute those plans. My financial situation hasn't been very good as of late.