Why is the Ramones' "Merry Christmas" stuck in my head? It's gol-dang May. I need answers. [Continues to sing it...]
More Blogs
Spooktacular Redux
Wow, I was just getting ready to write my first blog post in a looo… -
Halloween in effect...
The decorations are up; horror films have been carefully selected … -
Is this thing on?
[Blows dust off of blog] OK. Well, this is just a little test. It's… -
Under the Skin
Anyone who hasn't seen Under the Skin should do so-- it's not only … -
Still around, somehow
Sometimes, randomly, I'm compelled to check in here at good ole SG.… -
Just realized how long it's been since I blogged here-- freaking Octo…
(Oops, just typed a bunch in the title box. Super-cool and slick th… -
OK, I'm shutting up about the changes.
I done DONE my venting. Time to move on... into a world of beautifu… -
Well it's been a few weeks now I guess...
...And I realize I haven't been on the site as often. The cold, spa… -
The new design...
Cold and spacious. The old design was really neat and compact; so… -
Tuesday Sep 24, 2013
I haven't felt the urge to blog or post much anywhere, lately; it goe…
Eurovision this year had 39 countries enter (a few dropped out for financial reasons, and there's usually some issue with at least one country dropping out for political or religious reasoning, Turkey being one due to a lesbian kiss this year!), there are two semi finals and and a grand final. There are various rules governing how a country can enter a singer or band.
Italy, United Kingdom, Germany, France and Spain automatically qualify for the final as the "Big Five" who help bankroll the show. The host country is also automatically entered in to the final, so this year, Sweden. The other countries are split between the semi finals and have to be voted through to the final.
All countries can vote in the final, but not for their own country, and award points from 12 points descending. The UK's entries are historically... questionable in style and taste! We usually pick a favourite from another country
We use to watch it every year as a family when I was younger, so we've carried the tradition on. It's often cheesy, sometimes very well done, but always fun
Me, an SG? I don't think so! Might do some more modelling shots this year, if I have time and inclination though