I don't think (or at least I haven't noticed it) that I've been hit on by a gay man in a few years. Then Sunday it happened twice in like an hour, in different circumstances. And I looked like shit, just my usual bearish self. Perhaps it was the Sunday light reflecting on brawny, untanned legs. A come-hither look as I read my book in the park? Naw, just randomness. Now if I could figure out how to use this power with the fairer sex... Time to practice arching my eyebrows and pointing forcefully at things..."Look at the goddamn beauty of that tree." Yes, yes, that's it.
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Sunday Dec 09, 2012
Too much booze and drugs this weekend, not enough LUV. Wait, I take t… -
Thursday Nov 29, 2012
Feeling like a bear in his cave, seeing the onset of Winter. I look o… -
Tuesday Nov 20, 2012
Well for the first time in a long time, I can actually say it's been … -
Sunday Oct 14, 2012
I seem to be in one those phases when I don't see people as much. Per… -
Sunday Sep 30, 2012
Mellow weekend spent hiking, watching sports, and drinking some wine.… -
Sunday Sep 23, 2012
Is it possible to die from eating too much pasta and garlic? [Curls i… -
Tuesday Sep 18, 2012
Maybe it's just me, but I'd guess that guys who have a picture of the… -
Monday Sep 03, 2012
I read some graffiti somewhere a few years ago, that said something l… -
Monday Aug 20, 2012
I think I met, like, 7 new cool people tonight. That may be a record.… -
Saturday Jul 28, 2012
Jumped out of an airplane yesterday. It was pretty nerve-wracking sit…
And thanks for the movie review note. We CAN be here for more than one reason even if one is the most important...