Well, it looks like I'm going to have to make an unexpected side-trip to Asheville for a couple days. After that, I may have to cut my stay in North Carolina dramatically short-- trouble and complications a-brewin' on the homefront (none that really have anything to do with me, but my presence may not be, uh, appreciated). This actually kind of sucks-- I've been looking forward to getting to know this city. I guess we'll see what happens. Any recommendations on what to see in Asheville? Because you're all experts on North Carolina, is what my hope is.
God damn it.
God damn it.
Never been to Asheville, or any where in North Caroline for that matter. But I've also never been to Miami so I'd choose the latter 

I appreciate the comment. It would be nice if this dip in my happiness was the dip that lead to change. Time will tell.