Every day is another example of how we're fortune's fools, to cite Shakespeare. That's really been in my head this week, after I heard the news that one of my favorite all-time students-- a beautiful girl, outspoken and intelligent and very, very independent-- had lost her arm in an accident. She had just signed up for a career in combat medicine, which was destroyed the moment she lost her arm; in fact, we had been talking about that quite a bit before the accident-- most days, she'd come into my class during lunch, plop down, and talk about her life and her future. I'd always challenge her a bit, making sure she'd thought of all the angles.
Now everything's different. I saw her in the hospital, and she was strong, and alert, and direct; but I worry about her, and the shit's she's going to go through. I spoke to her friend today at length, and she mentioned that K.'s already worried about how she'll look in her wedding photo (in the far future), wonders whether she'll walk across the stage in graduation, etc etc. Too much for her young mind; but there's no avoiding it. It saddens me, and pisses me off; but it is life. Life doesn't give a fuck about our dreams. Life doesn't HATE you, I'm not saying that; I'm just saying that life doesn't give a fuck.
This is good to remember. Personally, I enjoy life more than ever these days, because I take less for granted than ever. Next week, it could be me, and it could be something worse. Or, something awesome could happen. One thing's for sure, whatever happens to me, what I "deserve" has very little to do with it. My whole world depends on how I react to what happens.
That's what's been on my mind.
Now everything's different. I saw her in the hospital, and she was strong, and alert, and direct; but I worry about her, and the shit's she's going to go through. I spoke to her friend today at length, and she mentioned that K.'s already worried about how she'll look in her wedding photo (in the far future), wonders whether she'll walk across the stage in graduation, etc etc. Too much for her young mind; but there's no avoiding it. It saddens me, and pisses me off; but it is life. Life doesn't give a fuck about our dreams. Life doesn't HATE you, I'm not saying that; I'm just saying that life doesn't give a fuck.
This is good to remember. Personally, I enjoy life more than ever these days, because I take less for granted than ever. Next week, it could be me, and it could be something worse. Or, something awesome could happen. One thing's for sure, whatever happens to me, what I "deserve" has very little to do with it. My whole world depends on how I react to what happens.
That's what's been on my mind.
That is so sad.
People take for granted the simple things. Like I know from personal experience being disabled people do not realize what a luxury walking a mile is, or even riding a bike. They really need to stop and appreciate all the small things. It could be so much worse.

Life isn't a person, that always gets me. Less arrogance, more getting the hell on with, I think
Sorry to hear about your friend, hope she bounces back okay